Weekly update 43/23

On Wednesday, October 25, we were able to load another truck with relief supplies in Broek op Langedijk. The driver arrived a little later than planned, but everything went well and at 3:30 PM. he left for Romania. Half goes out in Marghita where potatoes, vegetables, onions and carrots are loaded again. Also included is 1.000 kg of flour, most of which goes to Viorel in Deaj for baking bread. There were still quite a few collection jobs so that the members of the relatively small group of volunteers had a day well spent. Here is the link to photos. The truck arrived at the farm near Marghita on Saturday October 29, the border passage went normally. He will unload in Breaza on Monday. Here is the link to photos of the farm from Marghita. In Getz, the village near Marghita and the farm, progress is noticeable. An important cause of this is the activities of the passionate pastor Paul and his team. In 2012 we brought a demountable school building from Almelo to Getz. Since then, the chil...