Weekly update 41/23

On Wednesday we were able to load another truck with relief supplies. This time for Marghita and Ticau. We had quite a bit of stock so that we could put together a nice shipment again. We were extra careful with loading so that we would not have any problems at the border. This extra work has been useful, this truck crossed the border between Hungary and Romania without any problems on Friday.

Besides loading the truck, there was plenty to do on Wednesday, for example we received a batch of lentils in large packaging. This can be done in small plastic pots that we have had in stock for some time. Also picking up stuff and cleaning up, another day well spent.

Here is the link to photos.

At the end of the afternoon on Friday, most of this cargo was unloaded in Marghita and potatoes and vegetables were loaded there for Ticau. There is a very good harvest on the farm, mainly due to Attila's craftsmanship and the efforts of his team. Sales are difficult due to the greatly reduced purchasing power of people. With the help of sponsors, we manage to get part of the harvest to the really poor people. Children's homes, for example, also have far too low a budget for food and receive help in the form of this food. This way we can provide a lot of help in a very practical way.

Here is the link to photos.

In the coming week, a full trailer with potatoes, carrots and onions will be sent to Botosani for distribution there and in the Ukraine.

During our motorcycle trip we visited Kata in Bichis in her home that was almost completely eaten by woodworm. We had received a request from Eduard and Ildiko from Breaza to make it financially possible for her to have another house built. This was successful and last week the old barn was demolished where a new prefab house will be placed. I think it's quite a happening in the village and everyone sympathizes. I will continue to report on this on this blog.

Here is the link to photos, the last ones of the demolition work.

Imre, a nice boy who is doing well at school, lives in the children's home at our depot in Breaza, led by Imola and Csaba. Living at home was no longer possible given the problems in the family. The house where his mother lives with three of her children burned down last week. I don't know the details yet, but it's bad news.

Here is the link to the video

Reghina from Ticau has been busy distributing and receiving all the relief goods from the Netherlands and from the farm in Marghita. To my question it is not too much, I certainly did not receive the answer, help is needed in many places.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk Muller and Marin from Band have been busy handing out clothing and received
food via the depot in Breaza. Furthermore, another nice clean-up campaign of litter.

Here is the link to photos.

Viorel and Elena from Deaj continue to help the people around them.

Here is the link to photos.

I received a photo report from Breaza of how the goods arrive and leave there.

Here is the link to photos.

Next Wednesday, October 18, we will load a truck with destination Breaza.


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