Weekly update 43/23

On Wednesday, October 25, we were able to load another truck with relief supplies in Broek op Langedijk. The driver arrived a little later than planned, but everything went well and at 3:30 PM. he left for Romania. Half goes out in Marghita where potatoes, vegetables, onions and carrots are loaded again. Also included is 1.000 kg of flour, most of which goes to Viorel in Deaj for baking bread.

There were still quite a few collection jobs so that the members of the relatively small group of volunteers had a day well spent.

Here is the link to photos.

The truck arrived at the farm near Marghita on Saturday October 29, the border passage went normally. He will unload in Breaza on Monday.

Here is the link to photos of the farm from Marghita.

In Getz, the village near Marghita and the farm, progress is noticeable. An important cause of this is the activities of the passionate pastor Paul and his team. In 2012 we brought a demountable school building from Almelo to Getz. Since then, the children from the village (also from the gypsy neighborhood) have been receiving help with homework and a meal.

Photos from 2012

Photos of some activities in 2023

Reghina from Ticau also sent photos of the distribution to people in her area.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk and Marin from Band also continue their good works.

Here is the link to photos.

Viorel and Elena are always busy helping the people around them. You don't have to look for poor people there with a lantern.

Here is the link to photos with a small explanation.

Joshi from Turgu Mures from the soup kitchen for children sent a message about his
activities in the past quarter. Impressive, we support this as much as possible through the Breaza depot. In this neighborhood, poverty is the rule rather than the exception.

Here the link to this report.

On Wednesday, November 1, a truck will be loaded with destination Botosani. Part of this cargo goes to Igor in Ukraine. The number of people visiting the soup kitchen in Chernivtsi has decreased considerably. People have returned to their original homes in liberated areas or moved abroad. Igor supports the network that brings aid to the villages near the front line.

On Thursday, November 2, we will start with a small group to make room for making the Christmas packages.

This time too we bought some of the food that we will put in the Christmas packages at the Penny market in Marghita. This is part of the German REWE group. Despite the transport costs, the price difference is so large that it is profitable. Fortunately, we also have a nice stock of goods that we have received from manufacturers and organizations in our network. The 5.000 empty boxes from the Dozenhal in Ermelo are also already there.


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