Weekly update 40/23

A lot of work has been done this past week. On Wednesday, October 4, we were able
to load a truck with beautiful items for our projects in Romania. Loading went 
smoothly, items were delivered for Phoneo from Reghin, Henk Muller and Rozanne and Alejandro. This was all possible, we also had some cake in stock and a number of pallets of canned goods that we had bought for a reasonable price. The time when we got this for free is unfortunately over, it seems. Manufacturers have adjusted their production, food banks have become an important customer and there are many companies that buy up leftovers. The supply is becoming thin, which is a shame because food is very important for our target groups. We have opportunities thanks to sponsors, but we have to become more and more creative.

Loading went smoothly, there were still a number of collection jobs, a beautiful day. We were also able to pick up a batch on Thursday, our storage is still fairly full.

On Friday it turned out that the truck we loaded on Wednesday was not allowed into Romania! When the cargo was checked, it turned out that the best before date of October 1 for a box of cookies was not possible and that it contained shoes and clothing that were not clean enough. The driver received a report (no fine) and had to turn around. The same thing happened to three other trucks carrying relief supplies from other organizations. We had already made a plan to have the cargo unloaded at a friendly aid organization in Hungary. Fortunately we had a driver who turned out to be unfazed. He managed to enter Romania via a nearby border crossing. A big relief for us, how he managed this is anyone's guess.

In Breaza the unloading on Saturday morning and the distribution can begin again. A number of “customers” from our depot there sent another report of their work.

Here is the link to photos.

John Fracker of the Our life Mission foundation, for example.

Here is the link to photos.

Toth Attila from Peris has also made himself heard again, he is still having problems with his woolly pig farm, the African swine fever is still prevalent in the region. He continues his work full of enthusiasm, an inspiring personality.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau shared a few pictures.

Here the link to photos.

Henk Muller shared beautiful pictures of the harvest work of the seed potatoes and sowing seeds that we could have delivered to him. Just like building a house.

Here is the link to photos.

Elena and Viorel from Deaj have also had a busy week, great to see how things are going there.

Here is the link to photos.

A preliminary announcement: on Thursday November 9 and Friday November 10 we will be making 5.000 Christmas packages in Broek op Langedijk. Your help is indispensable, please put it in your agenda.

On Wednesday, November 11, 2023 we will load a truck that will first go to Marghita and then to Ticau.


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