Weekly update 12/23

On Wednesday, March 22, we loaded no less than three trailers in Broek op Langedijk. All five thousand packages of food that we made a few weeks ago with a large group of volunteers are now in Romania! As an extra load of biscuits, various foodstuffs, some furniture and lots of clothes. The three trucks arrived in Romania on Friday, and unloading has already taken place in Marghita, Ticau and Botosani. Monday still in Floresti, Breaza and Reghin. From there, the people on site can ensure that the packages reach the people we look after together. We had already sent the first 1,320 packages a week earlier and some of them have already been distributed. More on that later in this blog, it makes the importance of this action very clear. In addition to loading three trucks, there were also collection jobs and sorting work, it has become a long and busy day that we look back on with satisfaction. Here is the link to pictures of the loading. Thursday 23 March we were able to collect 20 hospi...