Weekly update 10/23

We succeeded, the production of 5,000 food packages has been successfully completed!

Tuesday, March 7, a group of volunteers has been busy putting all products in the right place, placing the roller conveyor, etc.etc. Children of a youth club of the Reformed Church in BOL have already made 200 at the beginning of the evening.

On Wednesday I put the dots on the I and on Thursday 9 March the real work started. About fifty helpers came, despite the bad weather and the cancellation of people who had contracted a respiratory infection.

On Friday, March 10, even more people came to help and the job was done before lunch. A small group cleaned up after lunch and then everyone went home with a satisfied feeling.

It ran like a well-oiled machine in a pleasant atmosphere. It is always a bit exciting whether enough helpers come. That was the case again, unnecessarily, because of wind and weather people came to help. Despite the slipperiness also four from Friesland. Thanks to everyone for their commitment.

Here is the link to photos.

Handing out five thousand packages is quite a lot and they end up with really poor people. It is difficult to imagine how great the need is for many people in Romania. We've been doing this for a long time, but the messages that are reaching us now, through our contacts from the really poor areas there, are really bad now. No food, cold and wet it's just sad that people have to live like this.

The truck that we loaded on Thursday March 2 with destination Botosani was unloaded there on Monday March 6, there was no delay at the border. Cristi was happy with the shipment, part of it was sent directly to Igor in Ukraine.

Here is the link to photos.

In the coming week we can send a trailer full of potatoes and vegetables from the farm in Marghita to Botosani. This also goes back into Ukraine via Igor. The horrors to which people are exposed there are unimaginable.

Reghina from Ticau sent her weekly photo series of her help to the poor people in her area. There is a video of making and handing out sandwiches along the side of the road. Simple and very direct but you have to do it!

Here are the link photos.

In addition to all his other activities, Henk Muller from Band is busy with the new
gardening season.

More and more people are interested here because they see the results.

Here is the link to photos.

Last Monday I was able to pick up a nice batch of vegetable seeds at Takii seeds in De Kwakel www.takii.eu/nl/ . The seeds are still in large packaging, I have been given small bags to pack it into consumer packaging. We want to start with that on Wednesday, it's a job for the canteen. We are going to share the lot with Jan Pilkes, so part of it will also go to Ukraine.

We received a very bad message from Toth Attila from Peris. See the photo album below.

Here is the link to photos

Paul from Getz sent pictures of the activities there, good to see how things are going with the children.

Here is the link to photos.

Viorel and Elean continue tirelessly with their many beautiful work, below is a photo album of how things are going there.

Here is the link to photos.

I must have received a video from St. Mission across borders about recruiting volunteers. There are some nice pictures from last time. Together with them we will “empty” the RAI after the PLMA exhibition. This food run is on May 24 this year. More on this later.

Here the link to the video.

On Wednesday, March 15, a Romanian truck will load the first load of packages. on May. There are pick-up jobs and we are going to start putting the vegetable seeds in small packaging.


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