Weekly update 43/22

It is now unusually warm in Europe, climatically this is not correct, but it is just as convenient. Energy costs are really going to be a problem and the biggest problems are the people who don't have the money to cover it. It emerged from conversations with some of our contacts in Romania that people are afraid of the consequences of the coming winter. The cost of energy is skyrocketing and it's hard to understand why. Many people can no longer pay the bill for gas and electricity. Not paying for two months is closing and then you are left in the dark and the cold. If it seriously freezes, the water pipes also freeze and break. There is little or no social safety net for these people. Getting enough food in the house is also a big problem. New poor people are added every day, people are losing their jobs because companies are closing. In Ukraine it is all even worse, with the bombings mainly aimed at destroying electricity plants, etc. The consequences are enormous, especially...