Weekly update 40/22

This time we again received messages and photos from Igor about his activities in Ukraine. I don't think it's necessary to explain the need for help. The soup kitchen that Nico and I visited is still running at full capacity. Igor also manages to get stuff close to the front line. It's great that we can help, we will continue with it, especially in the winter help is desperately needed.

Here is the link to photos.

On Wednesday October 5, the intention was to load a trailer for Toth Attila Peris. Unfortunately, the driver had made a mistake, in Germany he had brought the wrong trailer, he had to go back to take the right one. So we couldn't load. There were plenty of pick-up jobs and we could probably prepare some while waiting for the truck to arrive the next day.

Thursday, October 6, we were able to load the truck with a small group, this went smoothly and at 12 o'clock the driver started his journey to Peris, a village near Reghin. It has become a nice cargo.

Here is the link to photos.

Friday there was a pick-up job for a few men in Amsterdam. All in all it has been a busy week for some of us. Now that our extra effort is important, I've been worried about how to do that in the winter for a long time. Winter hasn't even started yet and already very bad reports are coming in about increasing poverty and its consequences. It is hard to imagine that people have already died due to lack of food, wrote Toth Attila. See the photo report below with explanation from Toth Attila. He is happy with the goods we brought, especially with the apples and potatoes.

Here is the link to photos.

Fortunately, we have sponsors and volunteers who make our work possible. We don't often praise them, nor are we very good at sending thank you notes to people who deposit money into the account. The latter is mainly because the bank does have the name of the giver on the statement, but not the address. A lady from Alkmaar also supports us and she had an interview in the Nederlands Dagblad. Nice to read. The latest stock of the knitted sweaters is 45. She also bought 129 pairs of socks!

Here is the link to the interview

Henk Muller from Band has been very active again, his stories with the photos are always very informative. He ensures that you really get an insight into how people live in his environment and what they all have to contend with. Now the emphasis is on distributing bananas from the nearby banana ripening facility. Good to see is the cleaning of the neighborhood in Band before handing out the bananas. The Spunta seed potatoes that we brought this spring have become a success. A few growers are doing really well, Henk wants to expand the acreage next year.

Here the link to Henk's photos with explanation.

Imola shared an album of Mucui Joszef with his soup kitchen for children providing school curriculum, showering and clean clothes. All this in the infamous Vale Rece district in Tirgu Mures. See weekly report 30/22. From Csaba and Imola's depot in Breaza, some of the items we bring there also go there.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau sent pictures of the renovation of a number of houses.

Here is the link to photos.

Viorel from Deaj has been baking bread again and made a meal for the people in the homeless center in Tirgu Mures. All beautiful and good work without food you will not last long. In itself it is special that Viorel, who lives in a village 30 kilometers from Tirgu Mures, does this. You would think that in a city of 130.000 inhabitants there would be enough other organizations to lend a hand here.

Here is the link to photos.

Next Wednesday we want to load two trailers, the first for Botsani with a stopover in Ticau and the second for Breaza. Whether this will be successful is not certain, the supply of trucks has been declining lately.


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