Weekly update 49 / November 2020

Monday we started with a pick-up job in Amsterdam, we thought this wouldn't have to take that long, but it took a long time, luckily it was worth it. We can help a lot of people with these products. The first truck would arrive to load on Tuesday, unfortunately this did not work, so we shifted loading to Wednesday. This went well with a relatively small group of people, together with pick-up and clean-up jobs. We have loaded the last roof sheets from our stock for Reghina from Ticau. I am adding the list of renovation objects, thanks to sponsors it is also possible to buy the necessary wood and pay the carpenter. At Hardeman in Veenendaal they are already saving roofing sheets. Thanks to all the cogs in a network, these people are also at least warm and dry. Also loaded beautiful useful goods for Reghina's relief efforts and food parcels. Half of the load was for Marghita / Getz, the end-of-year food campaign is also gaining momentum. After unloading, 10 tons of potatoes for Ti...