Weekly update 46 /November 2020

Last Tuesday we had the idea to prepare goods with a few men, for loading a truck the next day. This all went well, after lunch, to our surprise, the Romanian truck already drove up. After a very short consultation we decided to start loading immediately, just call for reinforcements and the loading team was complete. It all went smoothly and at about 4:30 the truck left for Pieter Nagel in Minis. On Friday morning he was unloaded there, Pieter was happy with the cargo and can provide many people with a package and hand out other goods for Christmas.

Here the link to photos.

Wednesday, November 4, a truck with 22.000 kg of potatoes was loaded at the farm in
Marghita with destination Botosani. Cristi had called on his contacts from the surrounding area to come and collect these potatoes for the people they look after. This usually takes place under the guidance of a pastor from a village, who knows exactly in which family the need is greatest. It took 1.5 hours for the truck to be empty and all the potatoes on the way. Very well organized by Attila in Marghita and Cristi in Botosani. Not all villages where Cristi has contacts have had, the demand is really huge. That we can organize this is of course fantastic and it is great to be part of a network with people who make this possible.

Here the link to photos.

On Wednesday there was a pick-up job and for the rest it was quiet, on Friday a number of pallets of food arrived via St. Manna, something we could use well for the Christmas campaign. We want to bring as much food as possible to our contacts, despite the difficult circumstances, they all want to help those in need in their environment. We see it from a distance and hear the stories about poverty, no food, +++, being in the middle of it is a completely different experience.

Next Tuesday, November 10, we are going to load a truck that will first unload 50% in Marghita for the village of Getz. Attila will then load up to 10.000 kg of potatoes, after which the truck will continue to Marien Kroon in Floresti. This load is too much for Marien's own project, he will share it with other relief workers. For example with Bert Looij who has taken the fate of people who live around the rubbish dump in Cluj Napoca. There is a video about this in blog nr. 42. If this goes well, we may be able to do more, so I am extra curious about the reactions of Marien from Floresti.

Imola has written a piece on her blog. Toth Attila is feeling better again, I don't know if he got tested. On Wednesday 11 November, a truck will load another 22.000 kg of potatoes in Marghita, the first unloading point is at John Fracker in Viile Tecii, a village near Bistrita, then unloading in Breaza, the last unloading address is in Deaj, Henk Muller's project.


Henk Muller also sent some photos of the work from Deaj. So potatoes will also be heading here soon. We will later send relief supplies and food from Broek op Langedijk to there.

Here the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau has a lot of energy and keeps on doing her good work.

Here the link to photos.

Fortunately, our volunteers who have become ill from the virus are both recovering well.

We must be and remain careful with our work, working with a larger group is simply not possible under the current circumstances. So do not come to our store without an invitation or announcement.


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