Weekly update 34/22

On Wednesday, August 23, we again succeeded in loading a trailer of relief goods with destination Breaza. This with a stopover in Marghita to load flour, potatoes and vegetables. This goes, for example, to Viorel, who bakes bread from the flour for the many poor people there. Bread and flour is a basic necessity. In villages they still bake a lot of bread themselves, sometimes on a simple open fire. Photos of the loading in Broek op Langedijk. In the night from Friday to Saturday August 26, the truck arrived in Marghita and unloading and loading started in the morning. This under the supervision of Miranda and Gerard-Jan who are staying in Romania for a week with a group of young people from the Netherlands. Here is the link to photos. The truck arrived in Breaza in the course of Saturday afternoon. Because of the high temperature (more than 35 °C) it was decided to unload in the evening. Here is the link to photos. Thanks to our loyal sponsors, we managed to build another house in the...