Weekly update 8/23

On Tuesday, February 21, we were able to collect more than 3.000 kg of seed potatoes from farmers in the Wieringermeer, a nice gesture from these kind people. Henk Muller from Band can enjoy his garden projects again. There is also plenty for the gardens in and around Breaza. On Wednesday we were able to load them immediately, together with hospital beds, apples, some cake and other food. Another nice load that arrived in Breaza on Friday evening and was unloaded on Saturday morning. Wednesday was busy with repacking work and loading and collecting, it all ended up on its feet again. Here is the link to pictures of the loading. Here the link to pictures of the unloading in Breaza. Reghina from Ticau has been busy again making packages and handing them out. Here is the link to photos. Like every week, Henk Muller is busy offering help to his fellow man. Handing out goods, leading a youth club, building houses and surroundings. improve, you have to have a lot of energy to keep this up. H...