Weekly update 7/23

This time due to lack of time of the writer no extensive weekly report.

On Wednesday, February 14, we were able to load another very nice batch of relief goods, with destination Ticau and Botosani. Thanks to the volunteers and sponsors who make this possible. Unloading will start on Monday 20 February, so more about that next week.

For the rest, it was a relatively quiet week in Broek op Langedijk.

Here is the link to pictures of the loading.

Reghina from Ticau has started handing out hot food again, below are the photos of

Here is the link to photos.

Cristi from Ticau is busy with Casa Ioana, the aid to the Ukraine and many other matters. A family ended up under a train with a car, victims were acquaintances of his. Next time more about the activities in Botosani and Ukraine.

Virorel and Elena have been hard at work again, the bakery has also started up again, and how! Nice to see all this good work.

Here is the link to photos.

Toth Attila from Peris also sent photos with an explanation. It all makes clear how important our help is.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk Muller continues building houses, distributing food and the children's clubs. Being confronted so closely every day with so many harrowing cases of poverty, it is not easy.

Here is the link to photos.

Paul from Getz also received a new photo series. After-school care and all other activities there are very important for the children and their families.

Here is the link to photos.

Imola from Breaza sent a photo album with images of the collection of the relief supplies that we had brought there. Things are moving fast, demand is growing. A good business model, but no return in Euros, but a dividend in the form of gratitude from many very poor people.

Here is the link to photos.

This report is just a snapshot, but it nevertheless gives a good impression of the beautiful people we are allowed to work with in Romania. Many thanks for that.

HRIF's aid to the disaster in Turkey that I wrote about last week has not stopped at two planes. It has become five! The goods that had already been brought to Erbil before the disaster and were therefore in stock there were also gratefully used.

It is not yet certain whether a truck will be available for loading on Wednesday. I keep the loading crew informed via WhatsApp. There are pick up jobs.


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