Weekly update 34/22

In addition to photos, Cristi from Botosani gave us an extensive explanation of where the goods we brought have ended up. He also emphasizes the importance of these of our aid transports once again. The war continues unabated, a solution is far from in sight. No one knows what will happen next, but we do know that the coming autumn and winter will make the lives of many people very difficult. Here the link to Cristi's message Here the link to photos of Cristi. Soon a truckload of potatoes and vegetables will be sent to the Ukraine via Cristi's depot in Botosani. An American organization is responsible for the costs of this. On Wednesday 24 August, our volunteers did pick-up and sorting work in our storage at 20 Dulleweg in Broek op Langedijk. On Wednesday 31 August we will load a trailer with destination Botosani, part of which will go back to the Ukraine. We hope that some additional food will become available. Imola from the depot in Breaza sent photos of a truck unloading an...