Weekly update 33/22

Monday, August 15, the trailer we had loaded was unloaded in Botosani on Wednesday, August 10. Cristi and his team were very satisfied with the content there. The distribution started fairly quickly and later in the week, vans arrived from Ukraine again to pick up the items. It's great that we can help in this way, the question is very large, it is hard to imagine how many people are in trouble there.

Here is the link to photos.

Wednesday 17 August we loaded a truck with relief supplies with destination Breaza. A nice varied load, loading went smoothly with a small team. At 13 o'clock the truck was on its way to Romania, early Friday morning it was unloaded there after a journey of 2,000 kilometers. The pick-up jobs weren't a problem either. The importance of our work is only increasing everywhere poverty is increasing rapidly. In countries where this already happened often, the growth is fastest.

Here the link to pictures of the loading.

Here the link to pictures of the unloading and delivery to Band.

Henk Muller is still working on his recovery and is taking it easy. It is impossible to do nothing at all, he is important for the people in his environment. Every day he receives reasonable as well as unreasonable requests for help. It will not always be easy having to make choices again and again. Henk came to us with the request to make it possible to renovate a house. Fortunately, we were able to cancel here. In the photo book below the photos including the explanation.

Here is the link to the photos with explanation.

From Ticau came pictures of the handing out by Reghina.

Here is the link to the photos.

Toth Attila from Peris has taken in new residents again. It is good that these children also have a chance at a better future. The photos speak for themselves, there are now so many children living there that extra help is needed.

Here is the link to photos.

Virorel from Deaj sent pictures with explanatory text. Well done and meaningful again.

Here is the link to the photos.

Elena the social worker of the village of Urmenis made sandwiches for families there
during the summer holidays. Really needed for these people, we are glad we could support this. We have known Elena for many years and have gained a lot of respect for her way of working and as a person. If all social workers would do their job like Elena, Romania would look very different.

Hier de link naar foto's.

There is no truck to load on Wednesday, but there are the necessary pick-up jobs.


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