Weekly update 53/21

Tuesday 25 December we were able to pick up a trailer full of stuff from HIRF from Weesp. On Wednesday December 29 some curtain fabrics from Wormerveer. Thursday was really the last job. A partner of ours has a temporary lack of space to store things, we were able to solve this. Helping and strengthening each other as part of a network is and remains important.

There are still many photos and messages coming in from Romania about the Christmas activities there. Especially Cristi from Botosani has been busy, the distribution of the Christmas packages was just a bit more work than estimated. The intention was to combine the distribution of the packages from the Netherlands with the distribution of the shoe boxes with presents from Austria. However, these arrived relatively late, the weather did not cooperate, much snow and slippery conditions, handing out has become quite an adventure. Nevertheless, the people were very happy with it, as was Cristi that he and his team were able to do this. Many beautiful pictures, also a few with the slaughter of a pig. A kind of end-of-year tradition, private individuals are allowed to fatten a pig in Romania and have it slaughtered at home, this is still common. Approved by the EU under the heading folklore/tradition.

Here is the link to photos.

During our motorcycle trip in September we visited Roxana and Marius Dancovici from St. Paternoster in Ploiesti. This has not been without consequence.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau did not take a break, she went to a supermarket to buy flour and oil for 30 families so that at least bread would be on the table. Her son collected the things we had brought to the farm for her with the Opel Combo.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk Muller has again visited all kinds of places where the situation is really bad, what poverty.

Here is the link to photos.

Imola from Breaza updated her blog. A batch of Hungarian bread came in from a
bakery. John Fracker was able to divide them.

Here is the link to photos.


The Promotion Foundation has nothing to do with it and I myself have never been there. However, it is a nice story about activities in Romania, near Ludus two young people from the Netherlands have started a farm. Now 15 years later they have got an entire family and the company off to a good start, from (almost) nothing. For those who are interested, their website contains 4 reports about their experiences in 2021.

Here is the link to their website

This is how 2022 has come to an end, in total we were able to organize 54 transports, including the transport of potatoes from the farm to the various distribution points. Not a bad score, especially because the quality and usability of the goods were of a very good level. It is difficult to estimate how many people have been helped by this, in any case there are a lot of them.

Unfortunately, we can't hold a New Year's reception this time either. What we can do is keep putting our shoulders to the wheel and continue with this beautiful and useful work.

We will start loading a trailer with destination Breaza on Wednesday 5 January.

A happy and blessed New Year.


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