Weekly update 7/24

Last week we shipped a trailer that will cover part of the route to Breaza by train. This concerns the stretch from Cologne to Arad, the trailer went on the train in Cologne and in Arad another tractor picks it up again for the last stretch to Breaza.

We want to gain experience with this and thus avoid the crowds and controls at the Hungary/Romania border.

On Wednesday, February 14, the loading of this trailer went well, there was quite a bit of repacking work and we were able to load a beautifully varied trailer with relief goods. The driver had to wait a little longer for his papers, Mission & Relief from Zevenhuizen produced additional documents. At 1:30 PM the driver headed to the terminal in Cologne. I don't know (yet) where the trailer is, we'll hear more about this early next week.

Here is the link to photos.

There were still some collection jobs, this was also the case on Monday just like last Friday. The warehouse is therefore still well filled. Next week we will load two, one will go to Marghita and Jan Pilkes will load for Ukraine.

Jan shared photos of the distribution of, among other things, the previous two loads from Broek op Langedijk. Help is desperately needed there, the most terrible things happen there, the suffering of many people is indescribable. It is good that we can help Jan Pilkes with his Caritas foundation to supply the people in his network under these exceptional circumstances.

Here is the link to photos.

A lot of goods have been brought to Breaza in recent weeks. There is a coming and going of people helping others. Csaba and Imola do their utmost to make this go as smoothly as possible. They are well aware of how much effort and money it takes to arrange this from Broek op Langedijk. The contact persons they work with also know this and most of them report on this regularly. send photos. This is important information for us to draw up a plan and to be able to assess remotely where we send help. And to keep everyone involved motivated to continue doing this work

Here is the link to photos.

Csaba told me that the care center in Deda would have had to close its doors without the food aid through us. It is almost unbelievable but the Romanian government has allowed it to get to this point. They are very good at coming up with all kinds of rules that make the functioning of such a center very difficult. What they are not good at is ensuring that there are enough resources to keep things running. The money they pledge always arrives too late.

Reghina from Ticau sends photos every week and everything shows that she is close to people in trouble.

The link to this newsflash

Marin and his wife from Band cooked again on Monday and Friday for about 120 children and adults. It's unbelievable how that all works, but it is very important work. Every day people, especially children, come to our door - we have no food at home, help us -. They do this as much as possible and luckily everything comes in from Breaza. Lately there have been a lot of cookies and they like that, you don't have to cook it and it satisfies hunger. They make bags with various food items for families, while supplies last. The construction of a second house is going quickly, and the family is also helping.

Here is the link to photos.

The first house is completely ready.

The second house is also going fast.

Henk Muller sends many photos taken in a wide circle around his hometown. He has an eye for it and encounters a lot of people with problems. I didn't manage to make an album out of it this time.

Attila from Marghita also has a lot of work to do, it is incredibly mild for the time of year. The time for sowing and planting has arrived, and so does a lot of work in the greenhouses. An early harvest often yields slightly more.

Here is the link to a few photos.

Imola and Mark are back home in Breaza, Mark is recovering well, he receives a painful injection three more times. The hospital stay was not fun, it was overcrowded and the conditions were perfect for not being able to sleep a wink.

Viorel and Elena from Deja have again achieved a huge achievement, for example they have baked no fewer than 500 loaves of bread.

Here is the link to photos.

On Wednesday we will load for Marghita. Jan Pilkes comes again with his own loading team to load the trailer that is going to Ukraine. It is not yet entirely clear when this will come, the borders are again a problem, this time due to angry Polish farmers.


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