Weekly update 52/21
On Tuesday December 21, a trailer was loaded with destination Marghita and Botosani. Our stock consisted partly of food and tasty things, so important to get to Romania this year. From an organization for which we often bring goods to Romania, a batch of food was ready for transport. People from Jibou and Oradea then come and collect it at the farm in Marghita. We were also able to send some nice things for Reghina from Ticau. Loading went smoothly, first three quarters of the trailer with goods for Botosani and the last quarter for Marghita. Thursday, September 23, there was unloading at the farm in Marghita and then potatoes and carrots were loaded for Botosani. The truck was unloaded there on Friday. It is winter in Romania, so it is now extra important that people can keep the stove burning and that food is on the table. You won't last long in the cold with an empty stomach. Here is the link to photos. Paul from Getz sent pictures of a meeting in the gypsy church in this villag...