
Posts uit december, 2021 tonen

Weekly update 52/21

On Tuesday December 21, a trailer was loaded with destination Marghita and Botosani. Our stock consisted partly of food and tasty things, so important to get to Romania this year. From an organization for which we often bring goods to Romania, a batch of food was ready for transport. People from Jibou and Oradea then come and collect it at the farm in Marghita. We were also able to send some nice things for Reghina from Ticau. Loading went smoothly, first three quarters of the trailer with goods for Botosani and the last quarter for Marghita. Thursday, September 23, there was unloading at the farm in Marghita and then potatoes and carrots were loaded for Botosani. The truck was unloaded there on Friday. It is winter in Romania, so it is now extra important that people can keep the stove burning and that food is on the table. You won't last long in the cold with an empty stomach. Here is the link to photos. Paul from Getz sent pictures of a meeting in the gypsy church in this villag...

Weekly update 51/21

Last Tuesday, December 14, we loaded a trailer, this time with destination Breaza. The intention was to load on Wednesday, but the truck could already be in Broek op Langedijk on Monday evening and after many months of wandering in Europe, the driver was eager to go home. With a small group we made a nice load of it and it left at 2:30 pm. Friday morning there was unloading in Breaza, this driver is at home with his wife and six children. In Romania there is a holiday period at the end of the year and at the beginning of the new year. Here is the link to photos. On Wednesday there were more than enough clean-up and pick-up jobs, useful work that we were still busy with. We ended the day eating a light meal and telling “tall stories”. The people of the Phoneo foundation from Reghin are also busy distributing the packages. Ilja Witte sent beautiful photos and a video with a small explanation. This makes it very clear what impact this action has here, as everywhere else. Here is the link ...

Weekly update 49/21

The distribution of the packages in Romania is now well underway, a lot of grateful work for our contacts there. Not all reports are in but the distribution is in full swing everywhere. It is now really cold in Romania with snow, wet and mud, much different from summer time. Wednesday December 8 we were able to load two trailers. The first truck is loaded for Pieter Nagel from Minis. The Nagel family has made a sort of restart and has entered the next phase of relief support with new impetus. Friday afternoon, December 10 at 2 pm, the unloading has already taken place in the village of Minis, not far from Arad. It took some getting used to for Pieter to unload and sort such a fully loaded trailer. Here the link to pictures of the loading and unloading for Pieter Nagel. The second trailer was loaded for Botosani and unloaded around noon on Saturday 11 December. Cristi tirelessly continues his work. In January, a friend comes to help with installing the electricity in the new building. H...
I already wrote it in the previous post, when the first photos arrive of the distribution of the packages, the much work that we had to do with it is quickly forgotten. I think this prediction is coming true. This is a picture of Viorel from Deaj, they show the distribution of the Christmas gifts, among others at a gypsy community on the outskirts of Tirgu Mures. The photos show you a world that cannot be compared to ours, but it is reality for these people. To think that an awful lot of people "live" under similar circumstances in the EU in 2021, it is unbelievable. Here is the link to photos. On Wednesday 1 December, two trucks were loaded in Broek op Langedijk, which meant the last of a total of 4.204 Christmas packages had been sent to Romania. This along with many other relief supplies. On Friday December 3rd the first truck was unloaded at the farm in Marghita and the remaining part on December 4th in Floresti. The packages for Inci and Domien were also unloaded at the ...