Weekly update 52/21

On Tuesday December 21, a trailer was loaded with destination Marghita and Botosani. Our stock consisted partly of food and tasty things, so important to get to Romania this year. From an organization for which we often bring goods to Romania, a batch of food was ready for transport. People from Jibou and Oradea then come and collect it at the farm in Marghita. We were also able to send some nice things for Reghina from Ticau.

Loading went smoothly, first three quarters of the trailer with goods for Botosani and the last quarter for Marghita. Thursday, September 23, there was unloading at the farm in Marghita and then potatoes and carrots were loaded for Botosani. The truck was unloaded there on Friday. It is winter in Romania, so it is now extra important that people can keep the stove burning and that food is on the table. You won't last long in the cold with an empty stomach.

Here is the link to photos.

Paul from Getz sent pictures of a meeting in the gypsy church in this village with mainly children who received a shoebox with presents afterwards. I don't know for sure, but in this case the presents came via St. Gain I expect. A nice development, by the way, is the collaboration between the Reformed Church and the Gypsy Church in the village of Getz.

Here is the link to photos.

Willem Twijnstra is on his way again with his Scania for St. Gain. For example, a recent ten-day trip to Greece with a refugee camp on Lesvos as the end point. He returned home on Thursday and on December 26 he leaves for Romania again.

Here's a link to facebook about Gain

Here the link to the website of St. Gain

They can still make it together.
This time we received a lot of photos from Cristi. Nice to see all that handing out, not
only of the packages from the Netherlands but also here of shoe boxes with presents from Austria. When distributing packages, you come to people's homes and see and hear all kinds of things and stories. Among the photos are a couple of people who are both in their eighties and whose woman is partially paralyzed, but together they make it. The heavy work does not slow down Cristi, between the photos is a message from him, he would like to do more.

Here the link to photos.

Cristi also sent a video to thank everyone,

Reghina from Ticau has done a great job again.

Here is the link to photos.

Merry Christmas (Toth Attila and family)
Toth Attila Reghin/Peris sent pictures of a meeting with 500 children in two groups.

Here is the link to photos.

From Csaba from Breaza I got pictures of snow fun, made in the area there.

Here is the link to photos.

Imola updated her blog.

John Fracker has been handing out again, here too shoe boxes with presents, these come all the way from America.

Here is the link to photos.

Pieter and Petra Nagel sent a newsletter and photos of distribution campaigns, here too not only of the goods we brought but also of shoe boxes with presents. A group from Nieuwkoop took care of this, 31 people from this place have done all kinds of work in Minis.

Here is the link to photos.

Ilja Witte from Phoneo sent us a nice Christmas wish. Phoneo was also able to hand out nicely filled shoe boxes that people brought from Ureterp to Broek op Langedijk. They went with a transport to Breaza.

Here the link

Henk Muller sent a few photos of the distribution and the activities in the building next to the church in Deaj.

Here is the link to photos.

There are still a few pick-up jobs next week, for the rest we are closed and will continue in 2022.

This is how the very special year 2021 is almost over. Thanks to the efforts of our volunteers, the partners we work with and the generosity of sponsors, we have been able to support many people in Romania. This with the help of the people of the distribution points in Romania who have done a lot of work. Many thanks to everyone who contributed.


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