Weekly uodate 46/21

Last Wednesday we had to work hard with collection jobs and unloading three trailers with the relief supplies that we had temporarily stored there. We had received a whole batch of clothing and Christmas items from a retail chain that had to be sorted out. Removing the anti-theft buttons that were still on many items of clothing was also a bit of a chore.

We are now ready to send the Christmas packages, next Wednesday two Romanian trucks will be loaded. In Ureterp they held a so-called shoe box promotion to be distributed by St. Phoneo from Reghin. We will take this with us with the next transport.

On Thursday a trailer full of cardboard and plastic was brought to Sortiva in Alkmaar, we were left with almost 2,000 kg of packaging material after the production of the packages.

We again received appealing photos from Reghina from Ticau, handing out soup to children who do not always get food at home. With winter approaching, these photos and videos take on a different meaning.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk Muller received photos from Viorel. After the loss of his wife, daughter and granddaughter, his father has now passed away. Everything in such a short time it is hard to comprehend. Henk brought food and other items he collected to Broek op Langedijk on Friday. We're going to make sure this ends up in Deaj.

Here is the link to photos.

Cristi from Botosani has to stay in bed for 10 days according to the doctor. There are problems with a leg that he can't stand on. I hope it all goes well. In the meantime, the work continues, his brother-in-law and a construction worker work together with the older children on the new building. Thanks to Max Veenstra of St. Hrif, a trailer full of face masks was loaded in Hamburg on Friday and is now on its way to Botosani. From there, a part also goes to Ukraine and Moldova.

Beautiful things are still happening in Weesp, inspiring people can be found there.

Here the link to the facebook page of St. HRIF

From out Breaza got into a photo of a boy with disabilities in a wheelchair. Imola and Csaba have an extensive network and are therefore often asked for help. They came into contact with this boy through a nurse (Emese) from a hospital in Tirgu Mures. Emese cares about this single boy. I like to share these kinds of background stories.

On the right in the photo a daughter of Emese.

Seventy elderly people from Breaza who receive a food package every month have also been made happy again. Most of them have a very small pension that they find it difficult to get by. It is especially difficult for those who have become alone.

Here is the link to photos.

The farm in Marghita is still closed due to problems with corona, luckily the manager Attila has almost completely recovered. Ference the second man unfortunately not yet, he is still in the hospital. The other people who have become infected are slowly getting better. According to official figures, the number of infections is decreasing in Romania.

The newsletter of Dutch Romanian Network again contains interesting news. At the top right, choose the language in which you want to read it. Especially the last articles are worth reading, for example about a huge livestock farm in Romania founded by the Dutchman with the appropriate name Jan de Boer dn-agrar.eu .

Here is the link to the newsletter.

So on Wednesday we are going to load two trailers and there are a number of pick-up jobs. A trailer with packages goes to Botosani, who makes a stop at Reghina in Ticau to unload the packages intended for her. The second trailer goes to Breaza.


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