Weekly update 53 / 2020

Last week it was necessary to make a “last minute booking” and have a truck come. The Manna Foundation from Alkmaar was able to provide us with many beautiful products, a lot of food and all kinds of - tasty things -. To leave this until January 2021 was not an option. This became clear on Monday and a truck was already at the door on Monday afternoon. There are always Romanian trucks waiting for cargo somewhere and especially just before Christmas, the drivers want to go home. Enough people were available on Tuesday to load the trailer. First to Alkmaar to pick up the goods at St. Manna and then load it. Truck number 57/2020 was loaded at approximately 2:00 PM. Half of this beautiful freight goes to Csaba and Imola in Breaza and the other half goes to Henk Muller in Deaj. On Monday December 28, the driver will leave his hometown BeiuČ™ for Breaza and Deaj to unload his trailer, the recipients will be happy with it. Here the link to pictures of the loading. Wednesday we would clean up o...