Weekly update 50 / December 2020

On Tuesday, December 1, we loaded a very nice batch of relief goods (including a lot of food), this time with destination Botosani. The truck arrived at nine o'clock and with a group of five men it was loaded at 12:15 and was off to Botosani, a journey of almost 2,400 kilometres. The truck arrived and unloaded there on Friday December 4. That went smoothly and well organized, immediately afterwards a cargo was loaded in Suceava. This weekend the driver is at home with his family near Sibiu, his plan was to slaughter a pig. There are too few pigs for the annual traditional slaughter just before Christmas. The price is therefore good for those who have pigs to sell, said Csaba from Breaza.

The link to pictures of the loading.

On Wednesday morning, December 2, the farm in Marghita loaded 19.000 kg of potatoes and 4.000 kg of carrots, this time with destination Phoneo in Reghin. The truck arrived there the same day at the beginning of the evening, with united forces the team members of Phoneo unloaded. The distribution has already started, by phone I have had contact with Ronald about this promotion. He was very enthusiastic about it, especially under the current circumstances these products are more than welcome. A report will follow on the creation and distribution of packages.

Here the link to photos.

In total, we were able to have more than 100.000 kg of potatoes and almost 10.000 kg of carrots from the farm in Marghita delivered to various distribution points in the past month. With the packages campaign, things had to be different this year, distributing the products from the farm in Marghita has become part of that. Not fancy but nutritious products just like bread, you will be hungry and you will not be able to feed your family. It is great that this has been made possible and that so much food has become available for people affected by poverty.

The making of the Christmas packages there for the village of Chet is in full swing, there are already 400 ready, it should be 600! Paul sends more photos.

Here the link to photos.

Wednesday morning December 2, there was not much to do in our warehouse in Broek op Langedijk. There were, however, jobs for two collection teams, who still had to work quite a bit. We also helped with a gift wrapping campaign in Weesp, an action by Esther Veenstra for her clothing4u.nu project. They are great experiences to help people who are less fortunate.

On Monday November 30, Reghina from Ticau immediately started handing out the things that were brought on Saturday. Making packages and also waterproofing houses with the corrugated sheets we brought. Unbelievable what a energy to do all this in such a short time. Reghina again sent many photos, it gives a good picture of the poverty there. I wrote it before too real solution must come from the Romanian government and the EU. The sad observation is that this poverty problem and everything related to it is very low on the list of priorities of the honourable politicians.

This 2 under 1 roof house has a new roof with roof plates from Hardeman from Veenendaal. People are happy with it, dry and warm, it is a step forward. Why so many people have to live under similar circumstances in 2020 remains a difficult question to answer. We don't dwell on it too long and do what we can within the possibilities given to us.

Here the link to photos.

Saturday they started making the Christmas packages in Botosani, a lot of stuff we brought and supplemented with food bought in a shop. For this Cristi has “sub-sponsors” from several countries. Cristi copied the packing system from us, only the roller conveyor is missing. They will make many people happy again, the handing out will start on Monday, it will be a busy week.

Here the link to photos.

Also in Breaza everything is dominated by the package action, the goods go to the various contact persons who make their own packages. Delivery vans with goods come and go. For the people in Breaza they make the packages together with the children, all goes well. Elena and Nelu with the help of a few others are going to deliver packages in and around Urmenis. Handing out parcels there could be an eye-opener for many people from the Netherlands that we are not so bad here yet. At this time of the year often in the cold with mud and snow in the yards in the shabby houses with a lack of everything and meeting the people involved is quite an experience.


The link to photos of Toth Attila.

The covid-19 problems in Romania are far from over, the health care system is cracking at the seams. This week there was an article in the Volkskrant about this misery. that I would like to share.

Here the link to this article.

I would like to thank everyone again who make our relief efforts possible, our volunteers, the sponsors and the relief workers in Romania. Together we reach thousands of people who need help, thanks to everyone's efforts, meaningful things happen for these people. Poverty never gets used is a well-known expression and a truth like a cow. Now that winter and the cold has prevailed, many people are having a very difficult time, with the additional consequences of the pandemic this year.

Next Wednesday there are pick-up jobs, we have no more food in stock, we will not load a truck. Max Veenstra will soon be sending a truck to Gherla in Romania. On Monday we will bring something for that and then immediately pick up things from the Veenstra family of St. Hrif in Weesp.

The rules are still the same. Do not come to our storage unannounced, we will continue to work in small groups.


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