Weekly update 23/21

It was an honorable, but also a challenging invitation from the Zending over Grenzen Foundation, just like last year, to collect the remaining articles from the PLMA fair together. Wednesday 24 May came closer and closer and the tension was rising without enough volunteers it certainly wouldn't work. Applications came in slowly. In the end it all worked out, there were more than 125 people in total to help. The catering team did a lot of useful work, the people of the RAI cooperated well, as did those of their service provider CEVA. It is nice to see that we “emptied” the enormous building in a relatively short period of time. Loading the trucks took a while, but that also went well. The same evening the first three were released in Sint Pancras, so for a number of people it was really late. On Thursday 25 and Friday 26 May, the loyal helpers came to the sorting location at the Spanjaarsdam in Sint Pancras. Here, the refrigerated products and the products that do not require refrig...