Weekly update 18/23

On Monday we were able to collect hospital beds at Oudburg in Bergen. We did this together with the Caritas Ukraïne-Holland foundation from de Rijp. After that we did a pick-up job in Amsterdam. Siem has loaded another trailer full of beautiful clothing in Weesp.

On Wednesday there were more collection jobs and we were able to load a trailer with destination Breaza. This all went smoothly and neatly. The truck has been in Romania since Friday. On Friday he crossed the border with Romania, the unloading will take place on Monday in Breaza.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk Muller has been in full action again, in addition to building houses, he has also organized a clean-up campaign. Many things have improved in a relatively short time thanks to the efforts of Henk and Marin in Band. Good for the people that they receive this support. 

Here is the link to photos.

Mucuijozsef Jozsef of the soup kitchen from Tirgu Mures has made a quarterly report. It is not an easy job for Józsi and his team and there is still a lot more to do. The report below makes this clear.

Here is the link to this report.

Toth Attila from Peris has bad luck again with his pig project. In addition to nuisance from bears, African swine fever has also broken out again.

Here is the link to photos.

From Cristi from Botosani I received pictures of the last truck being unloaded, the pick-up by Igor and a whole series of pictures of the soup kitchen that we stocked. The other pictures speak for themselves, when and how this will end is still uncertain.

Here is the link to photos.

Virorel and Elena have not been idle either. Baking bread, making food and building houses are important help for the poor people in his area.

Here is the link to the photos.

Thank you to everyone who has registered for the PLMA campaign (see the previous weekly report). The planning already looks good, now the implementation. We can use more people!!

Wednesday 10 May we will load a trailer with destination Botosani.


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