Weekly update 22/21
The truck that was loaded on Thursday 20 May in Broek op Langedijk was unloaded on Monday 24 May in Breaza. It all went well again, the beds have gone to a care institution. The packages for Phoneo were also picked up immediately. Here the link to photos. Wednesday 26 May was a busy day, except for loading a truck (the 23rd in 2021) with destination Botosani, there were many pick-up jobs. Thanks to the efforts of our volunteers and the cooperation of Van den Heerik Transport, it all went well. On Saturday May 29, the truck arrived in Botosani without any problems and was unloaded there. Here is the link to photos. In Botosani, the construction of the Casa Ioana extension is progressing one step further. The distribution of aid supplies also continues. Last time I wrote about buying a cow for a gypsy family. Their cow had died unexpectedly and Cristi overheard this by accident. A cow has been bought, it seems to me a very good choice, a cross between a Jersey and a Romanian breed. A...