Weekly update 5/25 Engels
January is already over, another step towards spring. So far it has not been a “real” winter. Not in Romania either, the temperature there is higher than here.
On Wednesday we loaded a trailer with destination Breaza, we were able to make a nice varied load of it again. There were clean-up and collection jobs, it all went well. The volunteers are all experienced and know what the intention is. The planning for making the Easter packages on March 13 and 14 is also starting to take shape.
In the past, in addition to Romania with aid supplies, we also regularly went to various projects in Bulgaria. However, there came a time when we decided to focus on Romania. The idea behind that was that it is better to do one thing well than two things halfway.
We still have contact with the Tabitha Bulgaria Foundation. We make it possible for children in orphanages to receive something extra at Christmas and Easter. They are very happy with that, see the attached report of the last action with Christmas 2025.
Here is the link to this report.
In Breaza one of the two trailers that we loaded the week before was unloaded. The second will arrive next Monday. Everyone was happy again with the goods that we were able to bring.
Here is the link to photos of the unloading in Breaza.
The renovation of the building on the property of Csaba and Imola for the after-school care and the club for elderly women is almost finished. We are still waiting for the kitchen unit. It looks good. Solar panels will soon be installed on the roofs, the electrical installation of the house has certainly been adapted for this.
Here is the link to the photo album
Reghina from Ticau was happy again with all the goods that she received and was able to distribute.
Marin from Band would like to renovate a house for an elderly man again. The house is in very poor condition and the man is ill (TB).
Here is the link to the photos.
The replacement house for the family of the burned house is ready.
Here is the link to the photos.
The children and a number of elderly people have received two meals again. All kinds of things have also been distributed, including briquettes of pressed wood.
Here is the link to the photos.
Henk Muller picked up the things that we loaded for him in Broek op Langedijk in Breaza. This together with other goods. He himself brought bananas from the ripening facility with which he has good contacts. The photos and explanation give a good idea of what Henk is doing.
Here is the link to the photos.
Viorel and Elena from Deaj were unlucky that the oven for baking bread broke down, fortunately it has been fixed again. It is and remains impressive what they do, we hope to be able to continue to support them in 2025.
Here is the link to the photos.
Toth Attila from Peris has had to deal with a number of government checks in his children's home. These are very far-reaching and last for a number of days, no fines resulted. However, some adjustments have to be made to the kitchen, unfortunately a considerable expense.
His farm with woolly pigs on the edge of a forest is doing well. By adjusting the feed, piglet mortality is a lot lower. Sales are also improving. Due to the risk of infection by swine fever, adjustments had to be made to the supply and discharge of water. Attila said that farm life is more difficult than he initially thought. Especially to keep the costs lower than the yield.
Here is the link to the photos.
Joszi from Tirgu Mures sent a photo report with this time also emphasizing how
important our support is with his activities.
Here is the link to the photo album.
Next Wednesday we will load a trailer that will be destined for Marghita.
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