Weekly update 3/25 Engels
The week went by quickly again, not so bad with this weather by the way, I don't mind spring coming again. It's also cold in Romania and many people don't have a comfortable home like we do, so we really shouldn't complain.... That doesn't change the fact that the weather is unpleasant.
On Wednesday 15 January we loaded another trailer with destination Marghita. We also tidied up a few things and put some things aside for the Easter packages. The pick-up jobs also went well, just like the one on Saturday, picking up the mattresses in Alkmaar.
Here's the link to the photos.
On Wednesday 15 January the trailer that we had loaded the week before in Broek op Langedijk was unloaded in Breaza.
Here's the link to the photos.
Customers came immediately, Csaba said, and they were really happy with all these items, especially in the winter food and warmth are important. With our transports we make a significant contribution to that.
Csaba has kept a photo album of the distribution of the briquettes, below the link.
Here is the link to the photos.
Imola has written an update on her blog.
Marin from Band expects that the new house for the family who lost their home to fire will be ready next week. It is not easy to build in this cold period, but they are continuing.Here is the link to the photos.
The cooking of food by Eniko and the other team members has also continued.
Briquettes, food and cookies were also distributed. Help that reaches the people there.
Here is the link to the photos.
From Getz, the village near the farm in Marghita, I regularly receive photos of the after-school care there. Every now and then I share them on this blog, it shows that things can be done differently.
Here is the link to the photos.
Reghina from Ticau has made food parcels and has been distributing them. The Opel combo has a technical problem, it is not entirely clear to me what, but it seems to be serious. Further investigation into this will follow.
Viorel and Elena have had another very busy week, they have visited all their projects again. A lot of meat came from the pig that was slaughtered. The photo album below shows these events well.
Henk Muller is still travelling, his contacts in Romania are continuing their work.
Toth Attila from Peris has also had another eventful week.
Joszi from Tirgu Mures sent his impressive photo album of his activities for the people in his area.
Here is the link to the photos.
Next Wednesday we are going to load two trailers, both with the destination Breaza. They can make good use of the hospital beds there that take up a lot of space with us. In Den Helder we are going to collect 90 mattresses from the NW hospital.
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