Weekly update 1/25 Engels

This is the first post on our blog in 2025. We can fill another whole year with news items about the work of our foundation. We believe that what we do is still useful and necessary, fortunately there are many people who think the same. Together with our volunteers and sponsors, we will do everything we can to make 2025 a successful year.

Siem and Nico had another collection job on Tuesday 31 December. On Thursday 2 January we were cleaning up in the warehouse. In December we had received a batch of mandarins, they looked great and tasted good too. However, overzealous civil servants in Romania sent them back to Broek op Langedijk, there were a few rotten ones among them.

We were eventually able to get rid of them at a farmer in Wogmeer for his biodigester, but without the cardboard and nets (!). This was a very dirty job, but we did not shy away from this either, by the end of the morning it was done.

Here is the link to photos.

Paul from Getz sent some photos of the distribution of the extra Christmas packages that we brought there. It's nice to see that they ended up well.

Here is the link to the photos.

Csaba and Imola are busy taking the items we brought. This time also with the dog food from Yarrah from Harderwijk to the dog shelter in Rhegin.

Here is the link to the photos.

In Band, a house caught fire on New Year's Eve, probably because of a faulty stove. A four-year-old girl died as a result. Marin wants to build a new house next week. In addition to his regular construction team, many more people from the village will be helping out voluntarily. Estimated construction time: 10 days.

Here is the link to the photos.

The house of the grandma with the rat plague is finished, they are very happy with it.

Here is the link to the photos.

Eniko and her helpers have cooked twice again. Saturday, briquettes etc. were also distributed.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau was able to distribute beautiful food parcels again.

Here is the link to photos.

The photo report by Joszi from Tirgu Mures contains impressive images. They need
no explanation, I think.

Here is the link to photos.

Viorel and Elena from Deaj have also worked hard again. No break around New Year's Eve, just keep going. They deserve a lot of respect for it, it is not easy work this way of providing aid.

Here is the link to photos.

Next Wednesday, January 8, we will load two trucks. Jorg Bredderman will load for Ukraine and we will load a trailer with destination Breaza.

Our New Year's reception on January 10 will be a beautiful gathering. The presentation is going well, the catering is in the trusted hands of Hesva and Rob. The location is great, in between we can admire the latest equipment from the Heerhugowaard fire brigade.

We look forward to meeting you, overcome any hesitation and come and experience it.

The start is at 16:00 and the address:

Brandweer Heerhugowaard,

Zuidtangent 3,

1702 VR Heerhugowaard.

If you are coming, please send a message to: stichtingpromotie@gmail.com regarding the catering.


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