Weekly update 52/24 Engels

This is the last update of our blog in 2024. It won't be a long story, but quite a lot has happened.

On Monday 23 December, the hospital beds that St. Caritas from De Rijp had picked up for us in Zeist were brought, it was quite a job for them. The destination of these beautiful beds will be Breaza, Imola has a lot of demand for them. Wim Bos from Weesp came to bring drinking cups, these can be put in the Easter packages. Also a number of pallets from his neighbours, the Veenstra family from HIRF, almost a trailer full in total. Wim got some more for his projects, it was a nice opportunity to catch up. Haye also came to bring some.

Siem and Nico had a pick-up job on Tuesday, almost a trailer full, this is now at Strijbis. Together with Haye I also did a pick-up job. 

Saturday morning I went to the Noordwest Hospital in Alkmaar with Jan Bergen, where we picked up the first series of mattresses. Jan Pilkes was also there to load. It concerns a total of 800 mattresses that will gradually become available. It is well organised at the hospital, the loading went smoothly. Next Saturday another batch will be ready.

It is necessary that we organise the stock in the storage on the Dulleweg better.

On Friday 27 December, the trailer that we had loaded on 18 December arrived in Breaza. This all went well, Csaba immediately brought some to Marin in Band.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau sent a series of photos about her activities around Christmas.

Here is the link to photos.

Marin has been busy before Christmas with the wall repair of the house that I wrote about last week. They also cooked twice for the children and elderly in Deaj, and briquettes were distributed.

Here is the link to the photos.

Here the link to photos

Henk Mulder shared a series of photos with explanations. He also wrote that he is traveling to Norway.

Here is the link to the photos.

Viorel and Elena from Deaj have once again done an admirable job to provide the people they care for with food. The photos give a vivid picture of the miserable conditions in which people live there. With this wet and cold weather it is really bad, especially for the children, the elderly and the disabled. It goes without saying that Viorel and Elena do useful work there. It is therefore very nice that we can support this work.

Here is the link to the photos.

A completely different subject;

We will hold the New Year's reception on Friday January 10, again this year in the canteen of the fire brigade in Heerhugowaard, Zuidtangent 3, 1702 VR, starting at 4:00 PM. This is an atmospheric room, perfectly suited for this. There is coffee and tea, delicious snacks and drinks. The catering team has an excellent reputation and will do everything they can to maintain it.

I am currently working on a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes what we have done in 2024.

We will also present the plans for 2025, I can already reveal that we need a lot of people to help us with this.

On Thursday morning, January 2, we will be cleaning up in the hall. As it looks now, the first trailer will be loaded on Wednesday, January 8.

We wish everyone a happy New Year and a prosperous 2025.


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