Weekly update 51/24 Engels

The year is almost over, in the world around us many things have happened that I at least did not think were possible. I will not elaborate on this, it dominates the news more than enough. It is better to concentrate on the things that we can do something about.

The volunteers of Stichting Promotie have made good use of the opportunities that were offered to us. Many people have been helped with this, something that we look back on with gratitude.

On Wednesday 18 December the loading went well, a nice job but with combined forces this was successful. Another truck with very usable relief supplies is on its way to Breaza. When it will be unloaded there is still a (?) due to the holidays.

Here is the link to photos.

Not all collection jobs went smoothly in Aalsmeer we were able to pick up some small furniture, that was the agreement. Upon arrival there appeared to be nothing ready and help was also lacking, everything first had to go over a gallery and then down with a lift that was too small. This collection team really put their shoulders to the wheel and took a large part of the good stuff with them. In the future we will handle this differently, it has to remain fun and useful. Jan Pilkes collected the beds from Zeist for us. On Monday they will come to Broek op Langedijk.

With the “hard core” of our volunteers we then had a very nice meal in the China Garden restaurant in Broek op Langedijk. The shortest description of this is; old-fashioned a lot, tasty, fast and cozy. The transport company Van den Heerik gave a Christmas package for the same group of volunteers, a long-running annual tradition that is very much appreciated.

On Tuesday 17 December, Jorg Bredderman was able to load potatoes and vegetables at the farm in Marghita. This beautiful batch has now been unloaded at his contacts in Ukraine. The insane war there is still in full swing, help in this form is very much needed. The manager of the farm in Margitha, Attila, is an important link in this form of aid, he does this with all his heart.

Here is the link to the photos.

Jan Pilkes from the Caritas foundation shared photos of the sorting and distribution of goods that arrived from De Rijp in Ukraine.

Here is the link to the photos.

On Wednesday 18 December, the trailer that we had loaded the week before was unloaded in Marghita. As I wrote earlier, Attila has found more drop-off points where our goods end up. There are people everywhere who want to help others and often it is also a good example that does good.

Here is the link to a few photos.

In Band, Marin and Eniko provided meals and food parcels were made for thirty poor people. Csaba from Breaza brought a batch of briquettes to distribute, next week it will be seriously freezing so that is also welcome.

Here is the link to the photos.

The house that they are building for the family with the rat plague is progressing steadily. On Saturday, Marin was picking up the windows and doors at a hardware store.

Here is the link to the photos.

Marin also told me about another emergency. The back wall of a house where a family with seven or eight children lives has fallen out. The father had just come home after having spent 1.5 years in prison for stealing wood from the forest. He did not get a pro bono lawyer for his defense so - 1.5 years in prison - for this offense. What kind of people are these who pronounce such a sentence?

It is just before Christmas and Marin has many other things to do but he is going to ask his construction team to help him with this. He wants to tackle it with some insulation material, wood and cement that you can also use at temperatures below zero. The costs will be around € 1.200, -.

Here is the link to the photos.

Henk Muller's trips and experiences give a good picture of what the lives of the people he visits look like. All just a little bit different from what we are used to in the Netherlands.

Here is the link to the photos.

Toth Attila from Peris has had an eventful week. A chimney fire, arrests of people living in Apalina. It is a mix of all kinds of things that follow each other quickly.

Here is the link to photos.

In Getz there are all kinds of activities in the new building there. With support from the EU, a multifunctional building has been built. It looks really beautiful and is in full use.

Here is the link to photos.

The school that we brought from Almelo to Getz in 2012 is also in full use, a few years ago an extension was built.

The idea from 2012 to help with after-school care so that the children from the gypsy neighborhood can also come to school has worked out well. Paul and his team have taken this on well and let it grow into what it is now. It is an example for many villages and municipalities.

Here is the link to photos from 2012

The arrival of part of this building in Getz.

Ilja from Phoneo in Reghin sent a nice report of the distribution of the packages.

Here is the link to photos.

From Viorel and Elena from Deaj I also received quite a few photos with images of what they have done in the past week. The weather and the difficult circumstances that come with it do not make it any easier.

Here is the link to photos.

In Breaza they are busy processing the goods we brought, renovating the school etc. The distribution of briquettes has also started.

Here is the link to photos.

Imola has posted a new message on her blog.


Joszi and his team from Tirgu Mures have provided clothing, given children a bath and clean clothes, provided meals and helped children with their homework, it just keeps going. It's great that we can help these people.

Here is the link to the photos.

On Friday 10 January we will once again hold our traditional New Year's reception. We will once again be able to do this in the canteen of the Heerhugowaard fire station. We would like to invite all people who care about our work to this event.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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