Weekly update 49/24 Engels

It is December and that means end-of-year rush for the volunteers of our foundation. The past week has been busy processing the incoming and outgoing goods. Very nice, this makes it possible to help more people who need it.

This automatically also means extra busyness for our contacts. Attila and his team are also dealing with this on the farm. We have brought more parcels, cookies and food there than usual. To ensure that these reach the right people, Attila has hired a social worker. Thanks to her knowledge of the local situation, these extra parcels reach poor people who live in remote areas and never receive anything. Parcels are also made from the cookies and other items and more poor people than ever before receive something extra. Below is a photo album of the parcels in Getz.

Here is the link to the distribution of parcels.

More and more potatoes and vegetables are going from the farm to our depots for distribution. Last week a trailer full went to Breaza, again with flour for the bakery projects in that region. The flour went to a bakery in Deda, among other places, that bakes bread for the local care centres there. Csaba brought potatoes and vegetables there again, these vegetables are partly preserved for the winter. Without this help they would not be able to provide the patients with a decent meal.

Here is the link to photos of the vegetables and potatoes

A lot of goods arrived on Monday and Tuesday, including quite a lot of food. It was therefore good that we were able to load a trailer on Wednesday to take this to Romania. Combined with all kinds of other work, it was still a lot of work, but it all worked out well again.

Here is the link to photos of the loading.

It is very busy in Breaza, many things are happening there at the same time. The building on the yard for after-school care and recently for meetings with the elderly, is being renovated. Solar panels will be installed on the roofs, for which the electrical installation must first be adjusted. Processing and transporting all incoming and outgoing goods is also no small task. Of course, questions and requests about all sorts of things keep coming in. Csaba and Imola enjoy doing this work and can't imagine us stopping for whatever reason.

Here is the link to photos of the flow of goods.

The meeting of the club with elderly ladies was in the kitchen of the house this time, seventeen came. The most important thing here is to break the daily grind and keep the feeling of loneliness at bay. This time Imola told something about what we do as volunteers in the Netherlands. This was supported by images of our package campaign. They could hardly believe that so many people, with seniors in the majority, do this for people in Romania who they usually don't know at all. The ladies' club is a success, a great initiative by Imola Csaba.

Here is the link to photos of the renovation.

John Fracker is also a regular customer of the depot in Breaza, he sent a report about it.

Here is the link to the photos.

Marin from Band sent photos of a family living in a house that is in a very bad state.
This time, the many rats that run in and out are the biggest problem. The grandmother is afraid that these rats bite the children. The photo shows the father with his children and his mother. The man is seriously disabled and cannot work. His wife left him a year ago, she took the children with her. After the arrival of a new love, she said goodbye to her children, who now live with the father and the grandmother.

So it is about grandma's house, Marin would like to help. Thanks to loyal sponsors, a house is being built where rats cannot just enter. The work will start next Monday.

Here is the link to the photos.

Cooking food twice a week has also continued, fortunately it is not yet very cold in Romania. Packages could also be made to hand out, which were of course very popular. There is no doubt that this work is important.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk Muller's experiences do not stand still, he is active on many fronts.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau has also contributed her bit.

Here is the link to photos.

Viorel and Elena from Deaj have done an impressive amount of work. The photo album below makes that clear and needs no explanation.

Here is the link to the photos.

The same applies to Joszi's activities in Tirgu Mures.

Here is the link to the photos.

Ilja Witte from Phoneo from Rghins sent a video about the distribution of presents and some other relief supplies. The Christmas packages will follow later.

Here is the link to this video.

Next Tuesday Jan Pilkes will come to pick up a number of pallets of our stock. On Wednesday he will load a trailer that will go to Ukraine.

On Wednesday 11 December we will load a trailer for Marghita. Via Max Veenstra we have been offered 40 hospital beds by a care centre in Zeist. Jan Pilkes will pick up 20 on Thursday. Twenty are ready for us to pick up on Friday.


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