Update 42/24 Engels

Wednesday we had a nice day to tidy up stuff, prepare it for transport and make preparations for the Christmas package campaign. It was disappointing that the trailer we were supposed to load did not arrive in the end. The company that does these transports for us had problems. The trailer that was supposed to come and load us did not arrive empty at its unloading address, there was something wrong with the load. The replacement trailer was supposed to arrive in the afternoon, but this did not happen either, at the unloading address there appeared to be unwanted passengers in the trailer. Seen the photos of the police presence etc.

Thursday morning at eight o'clock we were finally able to load one. With a small team this worked out fine, at 11:30 the trailer left for Breaza with a nice mixed load.

Here is the link to the photos.

As I wrote last week, Joszi from Tirgu Mures wanted to help a family whose house had collapsed. Our source of information, coordinator Csaba from Breaza, visited the scene of the disaster. Even the seasoned Csaba was surprised by what is happening in the slum. On the one hand, there is a lot of solidarity because they all live in these terrible circumstances. On the other hand, there is also a group that abuses these people in all kinds of ways. Think for example of borrowing money from these types and the consequences of not paying back on time. It is and remains difficult to understand why people do this to each other instead of supporting each other. Joszi has a construction team and we have found sponsors, the construction is starting.

Here is the link to photos.

The World Bank, among others, has written a voluminous report about this district. A nice analysis and full of good ideas. Will anything actually happen? Those who can make decisions about this often lack the right mindset for this.

Here the link to this report.

Joszi sent his quarterly report of the activities of his team.

Here is the link to this report

Here is the link to photos.

Marin and Eniko from Band have been cooking again. The house I wrote about last time is coming along nicely. All in all, Band has become a lot more liveable. It is still far from ideal, but the changes are noticeable.

Here is the link to photos

Viorel and Elena from Deaj have also been busy again. Viorel would like to close a few huts in Haranglab for the winter and also build a new house. In the same area where Joszi works, but in the other direction, he wants to help people build a house. So he will be extra busy in the coming period.

Reghina from Ticau has received a new supply, partly from Broek op Langedijk and potatoes from the farm. 

Here is the link to photos.

Csaba and Imola from Breaza are also busy distributing the goods that have been delivered. Saturday October 19th the truck we loaded on October 2nd was unloaded in Breaza.

Henk Muller has been active on all fronts again.

Here is the link to photos.

Next Wednesday we will load a trailer that will be destined for Marghita.


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