Weekly update 39/24 Engels

Tuesday evening I came home from the wonderful motorcycle trip we made. There was not much time to relax, on Wednesday we were able to load a trailer that was given the destination Breaza. There were quite a few pick-up jobs and things that were in the "pipeline", so a lot of arranging. Unfortunately the truck did not arrive until 3 pm so it was a long day.

Here is the link to a few photos.

The preparations for the BBQ last Saturday evening also started immediately the following days. Fortunately, a number of people enthusiastically put their shoulders to the wheel and we managed to transform the storage into, I would almost say, a party room.

Henk Muller is, as always, busy helping people. He also went to Galati to help people who were affected by flooding there. 4 people died and many people lost everything.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau received a donation to buy food for poor people. She quickly picked this up and got to work straight away.

Here is the link to photos.

Csaba and Imola from Breaza have made room in the depot again, our motorbikes have been transported again. Soon potatoes and vegetables from the farm will also be sent there again. Some will be preserved for the winter, it is a pity that not more people do this.

Here is the link to a few photos.

Marin and Eniko from Band are doing an exemplary job, it is good that the children there get a meal twice a week. More and more houses are being renovated, step by step things are going a little better there.

Marin and Eniko Band

Viorel and Elena, have restarted the after-school care and have provided food for the
homeless in Tirgu Mures. Viorel would also like to build houses again for a few dire cases. In these kinds of neighborhoods there is still a lot to do, to put it mildly.

Here is the link to photos.

Joszi from Tirgu Mures, also sent a nice series of photos, nice that there are such people who want to do this work.

Here is the link to photos.

We ended the week well with a nice, cozy and well-attended BBQ in the warehouse. Beforehand we were still a bit worried, would everything turn out well, fortunately unnecessarily.

Here is the link to photos.

Tuesday is the first pick-up job and Wednesday there are more just like that we are going to load a car. This one will be given the destination Marghita.


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