Weekly update 34/24

It's not going to be a long story this time. This is because I am on a walking holiday in Bavaria together with our youngest son Huibert. We arrived in Treuchtlingen today and tomorrow, August 25, we will start the first stage.

On Wednesday August 21, there was time to clean up and we were able to make some of our goods available to Jan Pilkes. On Friday August 23, this left with a transport from De Rijp to Ukraine.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, a trailer arrived to load with destination Breaza. It has become a very beautiful, valuable and useful load with also a lot of food. In connection with our annual motorcycle holiday in Romania, Rob's motorcycle, just like mine, was also transported. Also a nice prospect for me and the other participants.

Here is the link to photos

Here is the link to Facebook about Jan's transport

Henk Muller has again set all kinds of activities in motion, nice to see. He was also busy with wood for the winter. Good on him for starting this now, it is less expensive now than in the winter. The time when wood burning was simple and cheap is a thing of the past.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau ditto, she is happy with us and the stuff she gets. Not only from Broek op Langedijk but also from the farm in Marghita.

Here is the link to photos

From the farm, the backpacks that Miranda had organised, together with potatoes and vegetables, went to their destination in Rontau. A poor village not far from the luxury spa Baile Felix near Oradea. Thanks to the after-school care and other activities, things are slowly improving there. For those who have been involved for a while, Dwight Delong is also involved in this project.

Here is the link to photos.

Marin and Eniko have also been busy again. This week, a house is also being built, this time for a man who had spent six years in prison for stealing a lamb. A heavy punishment for this poor wretch, looks like a serious case of class justice. His mother and Marin have taken care of the children, the mother was elsewhere, but will return when the house is ready.

Here is the link to photos.

Toth Attila from Peris shared photos of a baptism service. After that, Attila and his family went to the Black Sea for a week.

Here is the link to photos.

Viorel and Elena from Deaj have not been sitting still, just like every week. The work these people do is and remains meaningful.

Here is the link to photos.

Next Wednesday there will be no trailer loading, but there are pick-up jobs. On Wednesday, September 4, we will be loading for the destination Marghita.

Greetings from Treuchtlingen.


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