Weekly update 32/24 Engels

The trailer that we loaded on Wednesday 31 July in Broek op Langedijk was
unloaded on Tuesday 6 August in Marghita. Sometimes the transport by train takes a bit longer, but this time it went smoothly. The goods will soon find their way to the people we care about.

Here is the link to a few photos.

Rob and I were on the road that day to replenish our stock, this went well.

On Wednesday 7 August we loaded a trailer that is going to Breaza, the unloading will probably take place on Monday 12 August. Because the stock was well maintained, the loading also went smoothly and another trailer with beautiful valuable items went to Romania.

Here is the link to photos.

On Thursday we were able to pick up another nice batch so that our stock is still well maintained with the right items.

Just like here, many people in Romania are currently on holiday. The number of messages and photos that I have received is therefore also less than normal.

Reghina from Ticau has received goods from the last transport, supplemented with potatoes and vegetables from the farm. She immediately started distributing, there are enough poor people there.

Here is the link to photos.

Marin and Eniko from Band have cooked for children and the elderly again. 
A poor family with a sick father also had to deal with flooding from a source in their rickety house. Thanks to our sponsors we were able to help renovate this house.

Here is the link to photos.

I received a message from Gerrit van der Starre from the NOS. It gives an impression of the life of Roma in Europe. There should be more attention for it.

Here is the link to this article.

Joszi from Tirgu Mures sent a report about the activities for the children from a slum in Tirgu Mures. Simply good work and great that we can support this project. We received photos and a brief explanation of the work that was done in the past week.

Here the link to this report

Here is the link to the photos.

Viorel and Elena from Deaj also sent a message about what they did for the people in their area and especially from Haranglab. It is very important to help these people there, it is good that Viorel and Elena are doing this, I have a lot of respect for them.

Here is the link to the photos.

Next Wednesday Jorg Bredderman will come to load for the next transport to Ukraine.


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