Weekly update 27/24 Engels

Things didn't go as planned this week. Last Wednesday we were supposed to load a truck, but this didn't work out. The appointment was moved to Friday, but even then there was a hitch. Freight transport by rail has become somewhat disrupted and we are also affected by this. The new agreement is that we will load next Wednesday.

Last Wednesday we were able to clean up a lot and prepare it for transport. We were also able to replenish our stock with useful items. Part of this will go to Ukraine via Jan Pilkes from Caritas from de Rijp, and we will prepare this on Monday. Jan will load their next transport on Tuesday.

The truck we loaded on June 19 arrived in Breaza last Wednesday. The journey took longer than usual due to rail delays and new regulations in Romania. Nowadays, the origin and destination of all trucks must be reported digitally, after which they are given a number. Without such a number they will be fined. This is new for us and we will have to adapt, fortunately we receive excellent support from M&R logistics.

In Breaza there is a coming and going of people who come to pick up goods and Csaba also delivers a lot himself. He ensures that not everything always ends up with the same people, but that more people benefit from it.

Here is the link to photos.

According to official statistics, 1 in five people in Romania face severe material and social deprivation. Nearly twenty percent of the population, four million people, live in poverty with no or very low income. A huge problem that is not easy to solve.

For the enthusiast, here is the link to these figures.

The farm in Romania is producing the most potatoes and vegetables in its history this year. This is ensured by adjustments in the cultivation plan, the craftsmanship of Attila and his team members and the exceptionally favorable weather. It is not possible to sell everything, there is too much and the purchasing power of the people is too low. Because we are against waste and throwing away, a larger share than normal ends up with poor people.

Csaba from Breaza takes this seriously as always and ensures good distribution. His contacts receive good instructions so that this can benefit as many people as possible. Next Wednesday he will pick up another batch. The small Phoneo truck that he is allowed to use is ideally suited for this. A friend of his also comes with the Mercedes bus and trailer.

Here is the link to photos of a previous "action"

Henk Muller purchases a lot and is happy with it, Henk travels a bit and visits many places. Below is another photo report with explanation.

Here is the link to photos.

Marin and Eniko from Band also do their meaningful work. Things are getting better there step by step. The meal project, especially for the children, remains important. The house for the single man is almost ready.

Here is the link to photos.

Viorel and Elena have also been busy again and are happy with all the help they receive.

Here is the link to photos.

Joszi from Tirgu Mures also sent photos of his team's activities. Including a fun outing
with children.

Here is the link to photos.

All in all, many people were helped from the Netherlands, but especially from our contact persons on site.

We will be loading next Wednesday, so that is the intention.


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