Weekly update 19/24

We didn't do much this week, on Wednesday we were active with a small group cleaning up and collecting. Many of the volunteers enjoyed a holiday and the nice weather.

The truck that was loaded on May 2 was unloaded in Breaza on Thursday, May 11. Distribution will start next week. Imola said that Elena, the social worker ++ from Urmenis, was admitted to hospital with a double hernia. Annoying for her and the people she supports every day.

Here is the link to a few photos.

There is a new message on Imola's blog.


Henk Muller has been busy as always with all kinds of activities.

Here is the link to a few photos.

Marin and Eniko have cooked food again and started building the house for the
mother with three children who was evicted by her husband. Miranda and Gerard-Jan visited them.

Here is the link to a few photos.

Here is the link to photos of the house

Reghina from Ticau continues her work.

Here is the link to a few photos.

Virorel and Elena have also continued their work, it is great that this continues every week. Miranda and Gerard-Jan also visited here.

Here is the link to a few photos.

Pieter Nagel from Minis shared a series of photos of the distribution of the packages there. They also ended up well here.

Here is the link to a few photos.

Next Wednesday we will load a trailer that will be destined for Breaza. There are also collection jobs and we continue with the preparations for the PLMA action on May 29. See the previous weekly report.


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