Weekly update 16/24

On Tuesday, April 16, we had the first meeting with Hannie and Hessel from Zending over Grenzen in Almere, this was about the PLMA fair in the RAI. Just like last year, we can collect the leftover food together with them after the end of this fair. It was a fruitful meeting, which means we are well prepared to make this a well-organized event.

Rob has already sent an email asking you to register. We are also busy lobbying to get as many people involved as possible. This blog often talks about poor people who have nothing to eat. Now that we have again been given the opportunity to collect so much food for free, we must not give up. Sign up and participate, it is a great event and the only thing that can happen is that you will suffer from a little muscle pain. It will happen on Wednesday afternoon, May 29, 2024.

You can register via info@stichtingpromotie.nl. You can also call me, Maarten Koel 0031628941795.

Here is the link to last year's report.

Here is the link to a video about this.

We were able to load a truck again last Wednesday. This has been given the destination Marghita. It's a shame that we didn't have more food available, but it turned out to be a nice varied load with clothing, furniture, bicycles and a limited amount of food. There were a number of pick-up jobs, everything went smoothly again.

Here is the link to photos.

On the farm in Marghita it is now a very nice period with planting and sowing and also harvesting from the greenhouses. Surplus production goes to children's homes or other places where there is a shortage.

Here is the link to a few photos.

Jorg Bredermann from Germany has brought a trailer with relief supplies from Germany to his contacts in Ukraine. After unloading, this truck drove to the farm in Marghita, where Attila loaded the truck with potatoes, onions and carrots. Afterwards, Jorg drove back to his contacts in Ukraine with his full truck. Very necessary and useful work in these bizarre times. It is not news that everyone there has suffered greatly from the violence of war.

Here is the link to photos.

Marin and Enikő from Band have again worked hard on providing meals for children and building houses. Enikő, Marin's wife who is usually behind the cooking pot, suffers from diabetic type 2. This did not go well, she was admitted to the hospital, she can go home again on Monday. There was no cooking on Friday, but on Saturday other women helped Marin and provided 160 children (!) and some elderly people with food.

Here is the link to photos.

Marin also told me that seasonal work in Germany is not yet getting off to a good start. A van with 10 workers from the village returned disappointed (without money). The asparagus of the farmer where they were going to work was not yet ready for harvest. They could go again!

These men returned without money but with a debt due to travel costs. Another bus left with ten other men. What do you mean, abuse and abuse in Europe with and from migrant workers(?).

John Fracker from Our Life Mission foundation shared a message about their goat project.

Here is the link to this post and a few photos.

Henk Muller also does his best and is active on many fronts.

Here is the link to photos.

There were also reports from Ticau about the help that Reghina provides there.

Here is the link to photos.

The truck that we loaded in Broek op Langedijk on Wednesday, April 10, was unloaded in Breaza on Thursday, April 18. The depot in Breaza is therefore well filled again.

Here is the link to photos.

Imola from Breaza has updated her blog, it contains nice reports and photos of the distribution of the Easter packages 2024.


A lot was also shared in the villages around Botosani, Cristi sent photos of it. I wrote earlier that Cristi became involved in a kind of food bank. Supermarkets from this state donate their surplus products to this. A great source for him to be able to share this with the poor.

Here is the link to photos.

Just like every week, Virorel and Alena from Deja went out to eat a lot in Deaj and Haranglab and gave lessons to children. Beautiful work that continues every week until it is no longer necessary. This is a point on the horizon that is far away.

Here is the link to photos.

Next Wednesday we will be cleaning up in Broek op Langedijk, picking up things, etc. There is plenty to do.

It is not certain whether there will be an update next week, because the writer is away for the weekend with motorcycle friends.


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