Weeklyupdate 12/24

The parcel campaign was again a great success, no fewer than 5.200 were made. The tension was still high at the beginning of the week. The preparations looked good, but the number of products was just not quite enough.

Thanks to people from our valuable network, we were able to solve this during the week and the stock was more than sufficient. We now have quite a bit of experience with production. Because demand continues to increase, we continue to push the limits of what is possible.

Enough stock, space, a plan, it's all necessary. But more importantly, enough people who want to come and help. We can consider ourselves fortunate that fears of insufficient helpers were also unfounded this time.

It is undeniable that the average age of volunteers is increasing and some have dropped out. During the packing itself you see how many people of good will are busy. Later, when the tension, or whether everything is going well, has disappeared, it really sinks in. All people with different backgrounds, how did this come together (?). Partly because of this, it was again a very special event. Especially because the volunteers of the Prinsenstichting have contributed. Just like on Tuesday evening, a youth club of the Reformed Church from Broek op Langedijk with supervisors. Making 5.200 packages of this size in such a short time is not a bad achievement! The catering team also did a great job. Thank you all very much.

Here is the link to photos.

Half of the packages are already on their way, 2,600 in total. The first truck will be unloaded in Breaza on Monday. The second probably Tuesday in Marghita.

In Romania, a truck was unloaded in Breaza last Wednesday. Due to the crowds there was little opportunity to contact Csaba and Imola. Undoubtedly the distribution started immediately.

Henk Muller is currently in the Netherlands visiting a number of his contacts and is now on his way to Romania again.

Marin and Hennie from Band have cooked again and another house has been built.
These are small steps, but by the standards that apply there, things are going a bit better there. Another big plus is that the weather has improved, the cold is over.

Here is the link to photos.

Viorel and Elena from Deaj have not been idle, baking a lot of bread and making meals. Viorel was the pastor at a baptismal service.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau is always busy handing out food and telling Bible stories. Goods are sent there regularly, but she would prefer that we could go the extra mile. Packages will also be sent here soon.

Here is the link to photos.

Thanks again to everyone who helped with the package promotion. The images and stories where they end up will soon be on this blog.

Next Wednesday we will put the storage back in order. We will send the last two trucks with pallets after Easter. As it now looks on Wednesday April 3.


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