Weekly update 9/24

We shipped eight trailers of valuable relief supplies to Romania in the first two months of 2024. In collaboration with Jan Pilkes from St. Caritas, another three to Ukraine. Not a bad start, thanks to everyone who made this possible.

We are starting to get used to transport by train, the first two trailers we shipped this way have now arrived at their destination. The journey takes a little longer, but this way we avoid delays at the border.

On Monday, February 26, a trailer was unloaded in Breaza, which had been loaded in Broek op Langedijk on February 7. The contact persons from Csaba and Imola immediately came to collect items. At this time of year, poor people have an extra difficult time. Their pensions are quickly running out due to high energy costs and expensive food. The people living in poor shacks cannot yet find work as casual workers. At this time of year, nature does not provide much, except for some branches for the stove.

The attached photo album gives an impression of how it all works in Breaza. Also from handing it out to the people it matters to.

Here the link to photos.

Imola also shared an album about distributing seeds. There is a lot of enthusiasm and appreciation for this.

Here is the link to photos.

Jan Pilkes had a little trouble getting the trailer that we were going to load for Ukraine to arrive on time. On Wednesday morning, February 28, it finally worked. Jan arrived at 8:30 am with his own loading team and at 12 noon a beautiful and valuable shipment of relief goods was on its way to Nowa Odessa.

The next truck was already at the door, a trailer destined for Botosani Romania. After lunch and the shift change we got going, it took a little longer than normal. We had to secure the load extra well for the train journey. The cargo was also not easy to stow, a tough job. Everything has been cleaned up and taken to the dump. So we have created some space again. To avoid exhausting our volunteers, we shouldn't do it this way every week, but this time it worked out that way.

There was another collection job in Amsterdam on Thursday, February 29, but otherwise it is relatively quiet with incoming goods. We hope it is the calm before the storm.

Here is the link to photos.

On Thursday, February 29, the trailer that we had loaded the week before in Broek op Langedijk came to be unloaded in Marghita. The train section from Venlo to Arad went smoothly.

Here is the link to a few photos.

Viorel and Elena from Deaj have also given 100% effort. It is of course unbelievable
that such a situation as in Haranglab exists. It's great that these people do this every week, very important there. Quite a bit has gone from our depot in Breaza. The supply of flour from Marghita is dwindling considerably again, I read between the lines.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau faithfully sends photos every week of what she does for her fellow man.

Here is the link to photos.

Marin and Hennie from Band work hard, cooking food twice a week for more than 100 people, I give you something to do. The result is beautiful to see. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to support the project for a little longer.

Here is the link to photos of the meal project.

Building houses in Band is also going well, one project is ready and the next one will start next week.

Here are the photos of house no. 2

Here is the link to photos of the next house.

Joszi from Tirgu Mures also does his utmost to help the people around him. The food project and the bath and clothes washing program are very important there.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk Muller is also active every day and is full of ideas and plans on how he can help other people and combat poverty in general. Henk's Dutch foundation also has a Facebook page with many messages from Henk.


Here is the link to photos.

Next Wednesday there will be loading for Breaza. I will not be there myself, together with Nico Groot from Warmenhuizen I will go to Marghita and Breaza on Monday March 4, and we will return home on Saturday March 9.

In the previous week's message there was a message about our package promotion, share this or tell us about it. We could really use some help.


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