Weekly update 13/24

We took it easy for a while. On Wednesday, March 27, some items were returned from temporary storage to the Dulleweg. Further “shop daughters” removed from the rack, cardboard to G.P. Brought up, this kind of thing. In Hazerswoude-Dorp we were able to pick up a nice batch of chocolates. There was another collection job in Amsterdam on Thursday.

On Monday morning, March 25, the first trailer with the packages arrived in Breaza. This all went well. Csaba immediately started further distribution, the recipients were very happy with it.

Here is the link to photos.

The second truck arrived in Marghita on Thursday. Attila also immediately worked on further distribution. The people from the gypsy community in Getz received a package. Inci and Domien from Salard also came to collect their share.

Here is the link to photos.

The next two trailers will probably arrive on Thursday, April 4, in Broek op Langedijk to load the last 2.600 packages. These are then sent to people's homes for the Orthodox Easter celebration. The Eastern Orthodox Churches - also called the Orthodox Church or Byzantine Church - celebrate Easter in 2024 on Sunday, May 5. In Romania these are national holidays.

Jan Pilkes, the chairman of St. Caritas from de Rijp, sent photos of the distribution campaign in Ukraine. Jan is doing everything within his power to bring as much relief supplies into Ukraine as possible. It is unlikely that this war will end any time soon. Western support falls short of what is needed to stop this bloodshed.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk Muller is back in Romania. He is busy with the garden projects. Next week, seed potatoes from Marghita will also become available. Breaza still has a large supply of vegetable seeds, so it should be possible to create beautiful and meaningful gardens.

Fortunately, there are more and more initiatives to start a garden. It is important to be at least somewhat self-sufficient in this way. It is hoped that many more people will come to this insight.

Here is the link to photos.

Marin and Hennie from Band have made a meal twice again, it seems like you're starting to get used to it. Nice work by these people.

Here is the link to photos.

Viorel and Elena from Deaj have had another busy week, baking bread, cooking food, handing it out, it's no small feat. The work in the greenhouse is also in full swing, all impressive.

Here is the link to photos.

We will do normal work on Wednesday April 3. I will know on Tuesday April 2 whether the trucks will indeed load the packages on April 4.

The Emeth Foundation has published a newsletter about Reghina's work in Ticau.

Here is the link to this message.

The weather in Romania is enviably beautiful.



Happy Easter.


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