Weekly updat 11/24

We did not load a truck for Romania last week. The stock we had before was not diverse enough to put together a nice load.

In addition, packing the packages on March 21 and 22 requires the necessary preparation. On Wednesday, March 13, we made room for this in our storage at Dulleweg 20 in Broek op Langedijk. We temporarily have access to a storage space where things can be stored. The box supplier from Ermelo brought 5.500 empty boxes.

On Thursday, March 14, two trailers from Romania arrived to unload with the food we had ordered from Penny Market there. Penny Market is part of the German REWE group. Despite the extra transport costs, this is cheaper than ordering in the Netherlands. Together with the existing stock we can put together 5.200 beautiful packages.

Here is the link to photos.

We are counting on a good turnout of people who will come and help us with this enormous job. The predictions look good. Unlike previous times, a truck will load packages on Thursday, March 21 and Friday, March 22. Half of the planned production will then immediately be on its way to Romania. The catering team is ready again, it will probably be a few fun days again.

On Wednesday March 13, a trailer was unloaded at Cristi in Botosani that we had loaded in Broek op Langedijk. The trailer took a little longer to arrive, the train journey was delayed. Cristi is busy, there is a lot of extra work to do when it comes to the orphanage and boarding school. The Baptist church of which he is a member also asks more of him than before, he is regularly a pastor there. He has a lot coming his way.

The link to a few photos of the unloading.

I have often written about the after-school care in Getz, this has become a wonderful project over the years.

Here is the link to photos.

Marin and Hennie from Band continue with their work, cooking meals. Build another house and renovate it again. The demand for temporary workers from abroad will soon explode again. Many people from these types of villages are recruited by employment agencies and embark on an adventure. Things don't always go well of course, there are many abuses.

Here is the link to photos of the meal provision

Here is the link to photos of building houses.

Reghina from Ticau has been distributing again.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk Muller is currently in the Netherlands, visiting a number of contacts.

Viorel and Elena from Deaj have again baked bread and made food for the homeless in Tirgu Mures and the people in Haranglab.

Here is the link to photos.

Csaba from Breaza was able to pick up flour from Marghita, he could use a handy truck from Phoneo for this

Here is the link to photos.

On Monday, March 18, there will be enough people for the final steps regarding preparation for the packing work. Gerard-Jan and Miranda arrange the packing by the women's club and a children's club on Tuesday, March 19 in the afternoon. There are enough people on Wednesday March 20 to check the last things. It will happen on Thursday March 21 and Friday March 22


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