Weekly update 3/24

After a hesitant start in 2024, we are now gaining momentum.

On Tuesday, January 16, we loaded a nice load for St. Caritas Ukraine-Holland de Rijp in Broek op Langedijk. Jan Pilkes, the chairman of this foundation, came to load with his own team. Due to the snowfall we had a late start, but otherwise everything went fine. 20.000 kilos of beautiful, usable relief goods have been loaded. The truck is now in Ukraine and will soon be unloaded in Nova Odessa. We will receive a report on how it all goes.

Here is the link to photos of the loading.

On Wednesday, January 17, we were able to load a trailer bound for our depot in Breaza. Loading went without any problems, a so-called box trailer works easily. This has also become a nice load.

Here is the link to photos of the loading.

Rabu the driver, ended up in bad weather in Germany. Fortunately, he was not involved in any accidents.

On Friday evening at 11 p.m. he crossed the border between Hungary and Romania without any problems. Saturday afternoon we unloaded in Breaza.

Here is the link to a few photos of the unloading.

Furthermore, there were collection jobs on Wednesday, just like on Thursday.

The government in Bucharest regularly makes legislation that the people of Romania do not appreciate. The government has a chronic shortage of money, caused by irresponsible spending. They try in all kinds of ways to close the gaps in the budget, often at the expense of citizens and companies. The current government is therefore not very popular, to say the least. All kinds of protests are now emerging, for example from farmers, truckers and people who work in healthcare.

Here is the link to a newspaper article about it.

Like every week, Henk and Marin are busy with all kinds of things, all related to offering help to their fellow man. All these efforts bring positive changes to many people's often difficult lives.

Here is the link to photos.

I received a message from Toth Attila from Peris about a car fire. Fortunately, no injuries were reported. Also of their evangelization work on the local market.

Here is the link to photos.

There is a new message on Imola's blog, related to our assistance.


Reghina from Ticau also goes out again and again to help others. It's great that we can contribute to her work.

Here is the link to photos.

Elena and Viorel baked bread and distributed food. The photos alone make it clear that the people there are poor and that this help is very important to them. It is sad that children grow up like this. Maybe it's age, but I can handle it less and less well.

A French foundation helps by purchasing annual stoves for families there.

Once again 25 pieces in total. We can also help from Breaza and baking flour is available from the farm in Marghita.

Here is the link to photos.

Joszi from the soup kitchen for children from Tirgu Mures sent a quarterly report. This is also an impressive story.

Here is the link to this report.

Next Wednesday we will load a truck that will be destined for Botosani.


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