Weekly update 46/23

On Tuesday, November 14, Nico and I went to Harderwijk in a small truck. We regularly receive dog food from the company Yarrah (www.yarrah.com), which specializes in organic dog and cat food, and three pallets were ready.

We take dog food to the shelter in Reghin, the people at this shelter do a good job. However, it is difficult for them to pay all the costs, this way we help with that.

Here is the link to their Facebook page.

Just as we were about to leave, a Romanian driver came to us, he came to load, but was a day early. We first completed our drive to Harderwijk and during the afternoon we loaded this trailer. Together with Siem and the driver it went smoothly. Three quarters of the trailer with goods was for Breaza and the last quarter with the packages for Marien Kroon from Floresti. The second truck also arrived, after arrival the driver first prepared a meal "from the box". They enjoyed this meal together with his colleague.

Here is the link to photos of the loading.

On Wednesday, November 15, we could start straight away, one group started loading and others started preparing pallets for transport. We also started working on returning our stock, which was temporarily stored at the Spanjaarsdam, to the Dulleweg. Still some collection jobs, so there was plenty to do. The two Romanian trailers were full at 2:30 PM and 2,520 packages with many other beautiful things were on their way to Romania.

Here is the link to a few photos, loading Breaza

Here is the link to loading for Marghita

On Thursday, November 16, another trailer full of goods arrived with items that need to be in Romania before Christmas. So next week we will load three trailers again.

The first truck was partly unloaded on Saturday morning, November 18, in Floresti at Marien Kroon.

Here is the link to their Facebook page

Here is the link to photos.

The second part of this cargo was unloaded in Breaza on Saturday afternoon. Immediately afterwards the 2nd truck came to unload Christmas parcels. It all just fit in the storage there, handing out all this beautiful stuff will be a party.

Here is the link to photos.

The flow of goods in and out of the depot in Breaza is quite large, a lot of work for Csaba and Imola, but with results(!). Csaba said that more and more people are receiving help as a result and that this has a positive effect. The village of Band where Henk and Marien work is slowly progressing, the new houses, the cemetery that has been renovated, and recently the new storage and community center of Marin help. The municipality is now even going to build an asphalt road there. In Tirgu Mures, in the neighborhood I described in the previous blog, people who live at the very back of this neighborhood are now also receiving help. Just a few examples that we don't do all this work for nothing.

Here is the link to photos.

The third truck with Christmas packages was also unloaded in Marghita on Saturday, November 18.

Here is the link to photos.

So everything went well, no problems at the border and not too heavily loaded.

Henk Muller from Band would like to give 100%, but unfortunately his health does not allow this, so Henk has been admitted to a clinic. He does send photos (usually taken by Marin), with a small explanation. In the clinic he picked up his guitar and harmonica and started singing songs, to the great pleasure of the patients, doctors and nurses.

Here is the link to photos.

Elena and Viorel from Deaj also sent their weekly report. As temperatures drop, the importance of their work increases.

Here is the link to photos with a report.

Miranda and Gerard-Jan Schuur make a tour in Romania visiting people and organizations that receive support from us. They also visit family, Miranda sent a photo report with an explanation of their experiences so far.

Here is the link to photos.

Next Wednesday, November 22, the loading of three trailers is planned, there is a lot to clean up and also some collection to do, so there is plenty to do.

For us in the Netherlands, the Christmas hamper campaign is now complete and our contacts from Romania can then start distributing. I know from experience that this is on the one hand very nice work, but also a lot. You then come to places and people's homes where you think how is it possible to live like this.


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