Weekly update 45/23

On Monday, November 6, the truck that we loaded on Wednesday, November 1, was unloaded in Botosani. Igor and his brother loaded some of it into vans and took it to people in need on the front lines in Ukraine. A nice action, a pity that this is necessary and that there does not seem to be an end to this insane war for the time being.

Here is the link to photos.

That same Monday, we worked hard in Broek op Langedijk to prepare everything for the package promotion. This worked out well, everything was ready during the afternoon.

On Tuesday, November 7, we were able to pick up a batch of relief supplies in the center of the country. Siem and Nico have taken this upon themselves. In the afternoon Miranda started making packages, the youth club and the women's club of the Reformed Church took action. Already 520 ready!

On Wednesday, November 8, a truck was loaded with destination Breaza, this time at the location on the Spanjaarsdam where we temporarily stored goods in connection with making the Christmas packages. In the meantime, in the warehouse on the Dulleweg, the finishing touches were being put on the I's, to be ready for packing.

It had to happen on Thursday 9 and Friday 10 November. We now have experience with making packages, but there is still a certain tension every time whether it will work again. This time was no different, a mistake is easily made and a lot of people are needed. Now that the packing has been completed and no fewer than 5.000 beautiful packages are ready for shipment, we can happily conclude that it went very well.

Enough people to help, about 70 per day and enough stuff to make a nice package. The catering was well organised, our neighbors from Hekos came to bring us tasty snacks! A nice gesture that was very much appreciated! It all went smoothly and in a pleasant atmosphere.

Thank you everyone who helped with this!

Here is the link to photos of the packing.

I cannot emphasize enough that our help in Romania is desperately needed for our target group, the very poorest. When the economy declines, people who are already poor take the first hit. This is no different now, we are receiving more and more requests for help. The main cause of this decline is Putin's delusion of starting a war with Ukraine. Not to mention all the other suffering this has caused.

Through the depot in Breaza we also help Joszi from the soup kitchen for children from Tirgu Mures. This neighborhood is on and around a garbage dump where they sort plastic for sale. How people live there is degrading. If you've never been there, it's hard to imagine what it's like there.

Here is the link to photos of Joszi

Henk and Marin from Band continue their work, no day is the same there and help is more than needed.

Here is the link to photos with an explanation.

Our distribution point in Breaza of Csaba and Imola is an important link in the distribution in this region. The truck that we loaded on Wednesday, November 8, was unloaded there on Friday evening, November 10. Many goods will be sent to this depot in the near future.

Here is the link to a few photos of the activities there.

Toth Attila from Peris does a lot for the people around him, it is truly incredible. Below is another message about work.

Here is the link to photos.

The construction of the new house for Kata from the village of Bichiș near Luduș has started, if all goes well it will be ready on December 1.

Here is the link to photos.

I also received their weekly report from Viorel and Elana from Deaj. This time again about the meal provided to the homeless in Tirgu Mures, a city with 130.000 inhabitants. It is very special that these people take it upon their hearts to help there too, they live in a small village 30 kilometers away.

Here is the link to photos.

Next Wednesday we will be loading no fewer than three trailers. We load them with the beautiful packages and part of our existing stock. So there is plenty to do.


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