Weekly reports 37 and 38 have not been written. For a moment I had the idea that I would do that during our motorcycle holiday, but this did not work out as the program was too full for this. If you want to ride a motorcycle safely, you must prepare well and especially concentrate on driving. We had a very nice holiday and a wonderful drive along  Romania and Moldova. For those who are interested, here is the link to the photo album with an explanation.

Here is the link to photos.

Not entirely according to plan, a truck showed up at our door on Wednesday and we loaded it for Botosani. We were able to turn it into a nice valuable cargo. We were able to buy a batch of canned goods for a reasonable price and a batch of pasta is also coming. We also received some leftovers and so we still had a nice stock. Unfortunately, surpluses from factories and wholesalers are not available to us much.

Here is the link to photos of the loading.

Colleagues from other organizations wrote to us about problems crossing the border with Romania. It seems like a lot of new rules have been invented. Fortunately, we have not had any problems with this lately. It probably also makes a difference that we use Romanian transporters.

The truck that we loaded on Wednesday was unloaded on Saturday in Botosani, Cristi was happy with it again, especially the jars of preserves can be put to good use there.

Here is the link to photos of the unloading in Botosani

Joszi from Tirgu Mures from the soup kitchen for children sent a series of photos. He is happy with the new washing machine that we were able to arrange for him thanks to sponsors. His question was also, please think about help for the upcoming winter.

Here is the link to photos

Henk Muller and Marin remain active with relief work, building houses, distributing food and running children's programs, it's all great work.

Here is the link to photos.

Elena and Viorel are still a factor of significance for the people in there environment, every time they provides people with food and education. He also wants to continue building houses in Haranglab.

Here is the link to photos.

On Wednesday, October 4, we will load a truck that will be destined for Breaza. There are a number of collection jobs again.


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