Weekly update 29/23

Last Wednesday we were able to load another truck. Unfortunately, due to the holidays or other causes, less food is available. This time again a nice usable load. First to Marghita and then to Ticau. A batch of potatoes could be loaded on the farm in Marghita for Reghina.

Here is the link to photos.

In the Ukraine the situation is unbearable for many people, through Cristi and Igor we help as much as we can. Never imagined that we would ever be involved in this form of aid. Wars are always somewhere but never, in my life, as close as now.

The truck that was loaded on Wednesday was already unloaded in Marghita on Friday morning. Around noon it was also empty in Ticau.

Here the link to pictures of Reghina.

Henk Muller sent a tragic message about a poor man from Band who was temporarily working in Austria. To cool off he went into a river and drowned. A very poor family is left behind, we were able to contribute something to the costs of the funeral.

Here is the link to photos.

Toth Attila from Peris is a cheerful person, he apparently solves problems easily. The government's involvement with, for example, his children's home and the associated paperwork is not easy.

Here is the link to photos.

Viorel and Eleana from Deja have done a lot again, help that is really needed. It's nice that our help ends up there too.

Here is the link to photos with an explanation.

As Pastor Viorel baptized three people, this took place in a river.

Here is the link to a video on Facebook.

Wednesday 25 July we will load for Breaza with a stopover in Marghita. Potatoes, vegetables and flour can then be loaded here.


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