Weekly update 17/23

Monday, April 24, we were able to pick up a trailer with beautiful clothing in Weesp. Thanks to St. HRIF for this.

On Wednesday, April 26, we did a lot of work with a relatively small group, there was a lot of repacking work and also collection jobs to do. Not to mention two trucks were loaded at the same time. It is nice to see that there are people who are so committed to the work of our foundation. The following stories from our local contact persons make it clear that this is useful and necessary.

Here is the link to photos.

Saturday 29 April the first truck was unloaded at the farm in Marghita. The second truck was partly unloaded in Ticau on Saturday, the remaining part of the load is still on its way to Botosani. New rules caused problems at the border in the contents of the truck and the papers. Attila from the farm solved this in an excellent way, many thanks to him for that.

Here the link to pictures of the unloading on the farm.

Reghina from Ticau was happy with the items and immediately started handing them out.

Here is the link to photos.

Toth Attila from Peris shared a message about a new girl in his children's home and about the renovation work on their church in Apalina.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk Muller was able to deliver another house and immediately started on the next one. Handing out bananas just like relief supplies, making children's programs. A busy existence but that gives many people a helping hand.

Here is the link to photos.

Imola from Breaza bought milk and baby food for the children and babies in Haranglab. During our visit to Haranglab, this was in high demand. Viorel arranged the distribution, a nice and useful promotion. The photos are in Viorel's album.

Imola's blog contains messages about the distribution of the Easter packages.


In addition to distributing the milk and food for the babies, Viorel and Elena have baked no fewer than 300 loaves of bread. Also made another 1.000 cabbage rolls with minced meat in it!! For the people in Haranglab, a great action. It's hard to comprehend how all this goes on in such a bitterly poor community. In any case, the help of Viorel and Elena is a huge support for them.

Here is the link to photos.

The photo album of Gerard-Jan and Miranda's trip contains new photos with an explanation.

Here is the link to the photos.

Monday we will pick up hospital beds in Bergen, we can also pick up something in Amsterdam. A second car goes to Weesp to load clothes.

On Wednesday there will be a trailer that we will load for Breaza.


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