Weekly update 16/23

On Monday, April 17, we were able to pick up a nice batch of clothing at HRIF in Weesp. A good start to the week. It was a great opportunity for a good conversation with the Veenstra family. It is truly unbelievable what these people achieve together.

Here is the link to their latest newsletter.

Wednesday, April 19, we were able to load a trailer with destination Breaza. It has become a nice varied load. At 13:00 the driver was able to start driving, on Friday he crossed the Hungary/Romania border without any problems and on Saturday morning unloading took place in Breaza. There were still a few pick-up jobs. There were fewer volunteers than we are used to, but everything went well.

Here is the link to pictures of the loading.

Thursday, April 20, there was a pick-up job in the middle of the country, Siem was able to arrange this and Nico helped unload.

In Amsterdam we were able to pick up half a trailer of goods on Friday. All in all, a busy week resulting in a trailer of relief goods being shipped and a full warehouse with a nice and varied stock of relief goods.

Joszi from the children's soup kitchen in Tirgu Mures has sent a series of photos. It is unbelievable how these people live on the outskirts of a city. Joszi and his team are doing a good job and we are happy that we in turn support this in various ways.

  Here is the link to this album.

The truck was unloaded in Breaza on Saturday morning, it is not difficult to find a good destination for this within the network of Csaba and Imola.

Here is the link to photos.

The wheat has been sold on the farm in Marghita and its transport has begun, a trading house has bought it and it goes to Egypt via the port of Constanta. The problem of far too low prices can have major consequences for many farmers in Romania. At least the weather is nice now and everything is starting to grow and bloom, the farm looks beautiful, said Attila. Spring work is in full swing.

Reghina from Ticcau started cooking for children and sent pictures of it.

Here is the link to photos.

Cristi from Botosani has sponsors from America visiting, together with them he visited Igor in Ukraine. Failed to take goods across the border due to strict controls. It has been an impressive journey that once again underlines the importance of our help.

Here is the link to photos with explanation.

Henk Muller from Band is busy as always, building is going well. Nice to see these activities.

Here is the link to photos.

No news from Elena and Viorel this week, Viorel is recovering from the flu.

Miranda and Gerard-Jan Schuur make a tour in Romania, in the photo album below an impression of their experiences there.

Here is the link to this album.

Next Wednesday two trucks will load, one will go to the farm in Marghita and the other will go to Botosani after first unloading a part in Ticau near Reghina.


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