Weekly update 14/23

In Romania it unexpectedly started snowing and not a little bit, in the north of the country this caused a lot of inconvenience. Closed roads and no air traffic from Iasi or Suceava for example. Everything was more or less normal again on Saturday, Cristi said. He sent a lot of pictures of the distribution of the packages and the snow nuisance. There was a lot of help from Denmark, Austria and Germany, about 50 people in total. It's nice to have a background, but so many people visiting at the same time is quite a bit.

Here is the link to photos.

The problems for farmers with the sale of grain due to its dumping from Ukraine have
led to protests with tractors by farmers. The problem is the same in Poland, there are protests there too.

Here is the link to photos.

On Tuesday, April 4, we loaded a trailer with a small group that first unloaded to Marghita and loaded potatoes and vegetables there with destination Breaza. This all went smoothly on Thursday there was already unloading in Marghita and Friday in Breaza. At the border there were comments about the papers, but no real problems. Unfortunately, what had to be done differently with the papers has not come to light.

Here is the link to photos.

Wednesday, April 5, there were clean-up jobs and we were able to pick up goods again. The flow of incoming and outgoing goods continues.

There were also the necessary activities in Marghita and Getz, including handing out packages. The last photos and videos are special and fun to see.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau was also active again, people around her can be happy with what Reghina does for them.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk and Marin from Band are busy building houses, collecting food and other items in Breaza and distributing them. The garden projects also receive their attention, as does the water supply in Band. It's all quite a lot and the conditions on site are far from ideal. Living and working every day among these poor people and their problems is a tough job. Sponsors, not to mention all volunteers, make it possible for us to help these people to carry out this beautiful work.

Here is the link to photos.

Below is an album with a request from Henk to build a house for a poor family. We hope that we will be able to help with this.

Here is the link to this album.

Toth Attila from Peris also sent the necessary pictures of the distribution and the snow there. Amazing what Attila can do.

Here is the link to photos.

Viorel and Elena are admirable people, they do a lot for their fellow man. Every Saturday evening I receive their photos and a report. Sponsors from France make it possible to build houses in Haranglab. The place I wrote about last week, it's unbelievable how happy everyone is and how the kids help to carry it there.

Here is the link to photos.

The next challenge for us is to empty the RAI on May 24 after the PLMA food fair. Behind the scenes preparations are in full swing. It is physically a tough job and we are therefore looking for people who can handle this. A good idea (?) call me 0628941795.

Tuesday, April 11, a truck will load with destination Botosani, a different day due to the corona measures. the Easter celebration in Romania. There is already a loading crew. Wednesdays are normal activities.


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